Reservoir Sedimentation in Brantas River Basin, Indonesia
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2010-10-28

Reservoir Sedimentation in Brantas River Basin

by Jasa Tirta I Public Corporation
Brantas and Bengawan Solo River Basin Organization

Brantas River Basin is located in the Island of Java, of the Republic of Indonesia. It runs through the western section of the East Java Province. The basin is situated from Latitude 7o 1’ to 8o 15’ South and Longitude 110o 30’ to 112o 55’ East. The river mainstream traverses 9 regencies and 5 municipalities. Starting at the upper regions of the river they are Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Nganjuk, Jombang, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo, and Surabaya City, including portions of Pasuruan and Gresik.........

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