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Objectives of ISI

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Home >> About ISI >> Objectives of ISI
Objectives of ISI
Objectives of ISI

ISI contributes to the 8th phase of the IHP (2014-2021) with the title “Water security: responses to local, regional and global challenges” by addressing the wide-ranging social, economic and environmental impacts of erosion, sediment transport and sedimentation processes with due consideration of gender perspectives. ISI addresses both sediment quantity and quality within the context of global change.

The objectives of ISI are to:

1.  Support the global agenda for sustainable integrated land and water resources management through sound sediment management; 

2.   Link science with policy and management needs at the local, regional and global scale, as well as in transboundary settings;

3.   Promote the development of an improved understanding of sediment mobilization, transport and storage and sediment budgets at local, regional and global scales, to support effective sediment management;

4.   Strengthen the capacity for sediment management, through education, training and the promotion of cooperation among stakeholders;

5.   Communicate the importance of sediment management to decision makers and the public.


These objectives will be attained through the implementation of the following actions:

1.   Continue the development of a global repository for data, information and documentation on soil erosion, sediment transport and sediment-related issues to serve as the basis for a global assessment of erosion and sedimentation problems and their social, economic and environmental implications;

2.   Update existing river basin case studies and initiate new studies to provide representative examples of sediment processes, problems and management in different physiographic and institutional settings;

3.   Develop activities and joint programmes to promote the improved understanding of sediment processes and methods for their investigation and monitoring;

4.   Support scientific exchange, education and capacity building for sustainable sediment management at all levels through the organisation with partners of conferences, training events and other capacity-building initiatives;

5.   Develop information materials, policy briefs and procedures relating to  sediment problems and their management, for local and national authorities, river basin commissions, relevant technical agencies, local communities and other stakeholders;

6.   Strengthen cooperation with other UNESCO programmes, Centres and Chairs, other UN organizations, regional networks, international institutions and professional and scientific associations


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