Summary Report: ISI Case Study on Yellow River Basin Sedimentation
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2006-08-11

Case study on Yellow River Basin, P.R. China


In recognition of the increasing importance of erosion and sedimentation processes for water resources management, the IHP Intergovernmental Council adopted a resolution during the 15th session of its International Sedimentation Initiative (ISI). Subsequently the ISI Task Force has formulated a project proposal on the Global Evaluation of Sediment Transport (GEST) to develop representative case studies to verify the socio-economic and environmental risks caused by erosion and sedimentation. One case study identified by the Task Force Group is the Yellow River Basin of China. The Yellow River is well-known as one of the most heavily 杝ediment- laden rivers in the world. The case study of the Yellow River contributed to the ISI project for increasing awareness of sedimentation and erosion issues.  The study promotes sustainable management of soil and sediment resources and advising on policy development and implementation. IRTCES completed the case study in phased manner and come out with final report, this report is expected to publish during 2006 by IHP, UNESCO.

ISI Yellow River Basin Case Study Summary  or

ISI Yellow River Basin Case Study Summary 

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