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The ISI Information System isconstructing on the purposes of helping to organize and promote international information exchange and providing direct access to policy makers in Member States while activating scientific and professional communities in all regions concerned.

The ISI Information System accomplishes three main purposes and those could each be achieved through three mechanisms: (a) Information access: through the creation of a global information resource portal, (b) Information repository: through the establishment of a sediment database and other information, and (c) Information development: through the implementation of strategic training activities. These three purposes and mechanisms are mutually supportive.

The ISI Information System is established at the International Research and Training Center for Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES) in Beijing, China.

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Copyright: UNESCO - IHP – International Sediment Initiative (ISI). All Rights Reserved.
The Technical Secretariat of ISI, International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES)
Address: IRTCES, P.O. Box 366, No.20 Chegongzhuang Road West, Beijing, 100048, China
Tel: (8610) 68413372; Fax: (8610) 68411174; E-mail:
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