NEWSLETTER (No.29 Jul. 12, 2013)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2013-07-17

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²  Updated Information of the 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2-5, 2013)    1

²  China maps out blueprint to harness Yellow River                    1

²  Soil erosion is on the rise, scientists say (USA)                         2

²  Two new technologies to curb soil erosion (India)            3

²  China allots $100m for soil and water conservation          3

²  Sand-washing operation at Xiaolangdi Reservoir              3

²  More News in ISI Website                                                         4



Conference Report

²  SedNet Symposium “Understanding sediment processes at catchment scale”, Koblenz, Germany, June 2013              5

²  Training Course on Soil & Water Conservation and Dryland Farming for Developing Countries held on 10-30 May 2013 in Yangling, China                                                                        5




²  Papers published in Issue 2 Volume 28, 2013, IJSR                  6

²  First issue of the International Soil and Water Conservation Research released                                                                       6

²  Publications in ISI Information System                             6



Coming Events

²  12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2-5, 2013)                                                7

²  Workshop on the International Sediment Advancements (WISA)(Japan, Sep. 3, 2013)                                                7

²  The 2nd WASWAC World Conference (Thailand, Sep. 4-7. 2013)                                                                                                  8

²  35th IAHR World Congress: The Wise Find Pleasure in Water (China, Sept. 8-13, 2013)                                                     8

²  International Workshop of Acoustic and Seismic Monitoring of Bedload and Mass Movements (Switzerland, Sep. 4-7. 2013)                                                                             8

²  8th International SedNet conference (Portugal, 6-9 November 2013)                                                                             9

²  6th International Conference on Flood Management (Brazil, Sep. 16-18, 2014)                                                                      9

²  ECSA 53: Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change (China, Oct. 13–17, 2013)                                         10

²  River Flow 2014 (Switzerland, Sep. 3-5, 2014)                         10

²  ICCE Symposium on Erosion and Sediment (USA, Dec 11-14, 2014)                                                                                            10

More Coming Events in ISI Website                                             11 






²  第十二次河流泥沙国际学术讨论会(日本京都,201392-5)    最新信息                                                           1

²  黄河治理开发蓝图制订                                                            1

²  科学家说土壤侵蚀在增加(美国)                                             2

²  控制土壤侵蚀的两种新技术(印度)                                         3

²  中央下拨6.16亿元支持水土保持项目建设                           3

²  小浪底水库调水调沙                                                                3

²  ISI网更多新闻                                                                                   3




²  SedNet研讨会“了解流域级泥沙过程”在德国召开  5

²  发展中国家水土保持与旱作农业研修班在杨凌举办   5




²  《国际泥沙研究》期刊2013年第28卷第2期论文目录                                                                                                                    6

²  《国际水土保持研究》期刊第一期出版                       6

²  ISI信息系统更多出版物                                                          6




²  第十二次河流泥沙国际学术讨论会(日本京都,201392-5)                                                                                       7

²  国际泥沙进展研讨会(WISA)(日本京都,201393)                                                                                                      7

²  第二届世界水土保持协会大会(泰国,201394-7)                                                                                              8

²  35 IAHR大会(成都,201398-13)                8

²  推移质和块体运动的声学和地震学监测国际研讨会(瑞士,201394-7)                                                          8

²  第八届国际SedNet大会(葡萄牙,201396-9)                                                                                                                       9

²  第六届国际洪水管理研讨会(巴西,2014916-18)                                                                                              9

²  ECSA 53: 河口、海岸及大陆架科学(变化剧烈时期的河口和近岸地区)(上海,20131013-17)          9

²  第七届国际冲积水力学大会(River Flow)(瑞士,201493-5)                                                                                       10

²  国际大陆侵蚀委员会关于侵蚀与泥沙的讨论会(美国,20141211-14)                                                            10

²  ISI网更多会议信息                                                                  11

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