Water-related Centres under the auspices of UNESCO
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2017-07-04

The water-related centres under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2) work on relevant thematic and geographic priorities in their areas of expertise. Since Member States have realized the potential of these centres, the network has been rapidly expanding.

1.  International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation (link is external) (IRTCES)

Established in 1984. IRTCES promotes international exchange of knowledge and cooperation in the studies of erosion and sedimentation problems.

20 West Chegongzhuang Rd.

PO Box 366

Beijing 100044


Tel: +86 10 68413372

Fax: +86 10 68411174

Email: chliu@iwhr.com (link sends e-mail)


2.  International Research and Training Centre on Urban Drainage (link is external) (IRTCUD)

Established in 1987. IRTCUD aims to foster advanced research development in urban water management, having expanded its field of work originally concerned with the aspect of urban drainage.


University of Belgrade

Via Faculty of Civil Engineering

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73

PO Box 35-42

11000 Belgrade 


Tel: +381 11 321 85 30

Fax: +381 11 337 02 06

Email1: irtcud@hikom.grf.bg.ac.rs (link sends e-mail)

Email2: c.maksimovic@imperial.ac.uk (link sends e-mail)


3.  Regional Humid Tropics Hydrology and Water Resources Centre for South-East Asia and the Pacific (link is external) (HTC Kuala Lumpur)

Established in 1999. HTC Kuala Lumpur aims to promote collaboration among countries in the region through technology and information exchange, education and science.


2 Jalan Ledang Off Jalan Duta 

50480 Kuala Lumpur 


Fax: +603 26972412

Email: drnasir@water.gov.my (link sends e-mail)

Email2: norlidamd@water.gov.my (link sends e-mail)


4.  Regional Centre for Training and Water Studies of Arid and Semi-Arid Zones (link is external) (RCTWS)

Established in 2002. RCTWS provides information on the science and technology of arid and semi-arid zones and promotes policies leading to integrated and sustainable water resources management.


1 Fourth Industrial Zone

PO Box 58

Sixth of October City 12566 


Tel: +202 833 4677

Fax: +202 833 4106

Email: ggamal2000@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)


5.  Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (link is external) (RCUWM)

Established in 2002. RCUWM aims to transfer applicable scientific knowledge and to increase know-how and capacities in all cases and dimensions of urban water management in order to promote sustainable development within the region.


1st Floor 

1 Shahrsaz Alley

Kargozar St. Dastgerdi (Zafar) Ave.

Modaress Highway

Tehran 19198 39713 

IR of Iran

Tel: +98 21 2291 1027-8

Email: info@rcuwm.org.ir (link sends e-mail)


6.  International Centre on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (link is external) (ICQHHS)

Established in 2003. ICQHS aims to promote research, capacity-building and knowledge transfer on qanats, an ancient technology based on underground water-collecting galleries still widely used, as well as the preservation of the cultural heritage that qanats and other historical hydraulic infrastructures represent.


Mojtame Edarat Complex

Daneshjoo Blvd.

PO Box 89165 – 1553


IR of Iran 89161 88117

Tel  +98 (0) 35 3825 83 93

Fax  +98 (0) 35 3824 16 90

Email: info@icqhs.org (link sends e-mail)


7.  Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, University of Dundee (link is external) (Dundee Centre)

Established in 2006. The Dundee Centre seeks to develop and share knowledge and expertise in international, national and transboundary water law and policy.


Park Place

University of Dundee

Dundee DD1 4HN Scotland

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 1382 344456

Fax: +44 1382 226905

Email1: s.m.hendry@dundee.ac.uk (link sends e-mail)

Email2: water@dundee.ac.uk (link sends e-mail)


8.  International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (link is external) (ICHARM)

Established in 2006. ICHARM deals with water-related disasters such as floods and droughts, which are major challenges that need to be overcome in order to ensure sustainable human development and poverty alleviation.


Public Works Research Institute (PWRI)

1-6 Minamihara


Ibaraki-ken 305-8516


Tel: +81 29 879 6809

Fax: +81 29 879 6709

Email: icharm@pwri.go.jp (link sends e-mail)


9.  European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology (link is external) (ERCE)

Established in 2006.  The Centre promotes integrative multidisciplinary ecohydrological research at a catchment scale for sustainable management, protection and restoration of aquatic resources. Basic research includes: hydrology, hydrobiology, environmental chemistry, landscape processes, soil ecology, phytotechnology, environmental toxicology and genetics, population studies and mathematical modelling.


International Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences

3 Tylna Str 

90 364 Lodz 


Tel: +48 42 681 7007 

Fax: +48 42 681 3069 

Email: mzal@biol.uni.lodz.pl (link sends e-mail)


10.  Water Centre for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean (link is external) (CAZALAC)

Established in 2006. CAZALAC is responsible for coordinating and articulating scientific and technologic actions aimed at the sustainable management of water resources in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones of the LAC region.


Benavente 980

La Serena 


Tel: +56 51 204493

Fax: +56 51 334814

Email: gmancilla@cazalac.org (link sends e-mail)


11.  Regional Centre on Urban Water Management for Latin America and the Caribbean (RCUWM-LAC)

Established in 2007. The Centre aims to promote research on the different aspects of urban water management, capacity and institutional building for countries in the region through education, training, scientific and technical research, as well as international and regional cooperation and networking.


Oficina del Director de Desarrollo Sectorial

Viceministerio de Agua en Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio

República de Colombia

Email1: jmoreno@minvivienda.gov.co (link sends e-mail)

Email2: fsierra@minambiente.gov.co (link sends e-mail)


12.  International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (link is external) (IGRAC)

Established in 2007.  The overall objective of IGRAC is to include groundwater fully in the assessment of freshwater resources of the world in order to encourage and enhance the conjunctive and sustainable utilization of both groundwater and surface water.


Westvest 7

2611AX Delft

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 15 215 2325 

Email: info@un-igrac.org (link sends e-mail)


13.  Regional Centre for Shared Aquifer Resources Management (RCSARM)

Established in 2008. The Centre aims to generate and provide scientific and technical information and support exchange of information on regional shared groundwater management issues, with emphasis on Africa and the Arab States.


c/o General Water Authority

PO Box 5332



Tel: +218913215894

Email: almjrbi@yahoo.co.uk (link sends e-mail)


14.  International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (link is external) (ICIWaRM)

Established in 2009. ICIWaRM’s overall mission is the advancement of the science and practice of IWRM to address water security and other water-related challenges by regional and global action, through new knowledge, innovative technologies, collaborative interdisciplinary scientific research, networking, training and capacity development.


Institute for Water Resources 

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 

7701 Telegraph Road 

Alexandria VA 22315-3868 


Tel: +1 703 428 8250 

Fax: +1 703 428 8171 

Email: Robert.A.Pietrowsky@usace.army.mil (link sends e-mail)


15.  International Centre for Education, Capacity Building and Applied Research in Water  (link is external)(HidroEx)

Established in 2009. HidroEx aims to strengthen excellence in applied research in the management of water resources and on educating communities to enhance the understanding of social and economic values of water resources, with a special focus on Latin American and African countries.


Cidade Administrativa Presidente Tancredo Neves

Rodovia Prefeito Américo Rene Gianetti s/nº

Prédio Gerais, 10º andar - Serra Verde

Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais


Tel: +55 (31) 3916-7587

Email: miguelcorrea@tecnologia.mg.gov.br (link sends e-mail)


16.  International Centre for Coastal Ecohydrology (ICCE)

Established in 2009. This centre, under the auspices of UNESCO, will integrate the worldwide network of 24 UNESCO centres in the field of water sciences, being the only one specifically dedicated to coastal areas.


Solar do Capitão Mor

EN125 Horta das Figuras 

8000-518 Faro 


Tel: +351 289 888 140 

Fax: +351 289 888 149 

Email: lchichar@ualg.pt (link sends e-mail)


17.  Asia-Pacific Centre for Ecohydrology (link is external) (APCE)

Established in 2009.  APCE aims to contribute with scientific knowledge, capacity-building, educational and dissemination activities to support, design and implement ecohydrology strategies and policies for sustainable water resources management.


Jl. Gatot Subroto 10 

Jakarta 12710


Fax: +62 21 5260804

Mobile: +62 81 1 21 4304

Email1: ignasdas@yahoo.co.id (link sends e-mail)

Email2: hery.harjono@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)


18.  Centre for the Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Caribbean Island States (CEHICA)

Established in 2010. The objective of the Centre is to generate and transfer scientific and technological knowledge related to sustainable water management in the Caribbean Island States, so as to increase the practical knowledge and improve the capacities for a more efficient use of water resources.


Avenida Enrique Jiménez Moya

Esquina Calle Juna de Dios Ventura Simó

Centro de Los Héroes

Santo Domingo. D. N.

Dominican Republic 

Tel: +809 532 3271 

Email: jrchalas@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)


19. Regional Centre on Groundwater Resources Education, Training and Research in East Africa (RCGRE)

Established in 2011, the aim of this centre is to provide training and encourage research; generate and provide scientific and technical information and support the exchange of information, in particular with regard to local scientific, technical and managerial knowledge, in the various domains of groundwater knowledge and management.


Kenya Water Institute

Ole Shapara Avenue; Nairobi, South C

P.O Box 60013-00200, Nairobi, Kenya 

Tel: +254 20 6007425/33/48

Email1:  inquiries@kewi.or.ke (link sends e-mail)

Email2: cojuma2004@yahoo.com (link sends e-mail)


20. Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre (CARGC)

Established in 2012, the objective of the centre is to foster cooperation and improve scientific understanding of present and forecasted changes in glacier, snow and water resources in the region. The centre will promote regional research, education and capacity development to assess climate change impact on glaciers and permafrost in the runoff formation zone. The results from the scientific and research activities of the centre may provide policy advice to the countries to better manage water resources in a sustainable way. The activities of the centre will contribute to achieving the strategic objectives of UNESCO’s IHP.


Institute of Geography

Kabanbai batyr st./Pushkin st.  67/99

050010 Almaty

Republic of Kazakhstan

Fax: (8-727) 291-81-02

Email: iseverskiy@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)


21. Regional Centre for Integrated River Basin Management (RC-IRBM)

Signed in 2013, the centre's aim is to act as a facilitator and synergistic structure to articulate the different scientific and institutional stakeholders at local, national, regional, and international levels regarding of implementation of IRBM, particularly in the West African Region. The centre focusses on research in the area of hydro-informatics, IWRM, and socio-economic research and to provide IRBM training, tertiary education for water professionals. Functions include Coordination and implementation of cooperative research projects networking on information and knowledge exchange in West Africa Organize training courses, seminars, workshops, and meetings Produce publications and dissemination of publications.


National Water Resources Institute

Mando Road 



Tel: +234 705 767 8272 or +234 808 506 1158

Email: dogara.nwri@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)


22. Centre for Water for Sustainable Development and Adaptation to Climate Change  (link is external)(WSDAC)

Established in 2013, the centre acts as a regional centre in Southeast Europe focusing on cooperation in the areas of applied research, water administration, development and promotion of adaptation strategies, capacity development, and research for application, education, and training in the area of climate change impact on water resources management and the adaptation to such impacts.


Jaroslav Černi Institute for the Development of Water Resources

Jaroslava Černog 80 

Pinosava-Belgrade 11226


Tel : +(381 11) 390 64 50, 390 64 55, 390 73 99, 390 73 88

Fax: +(381 11) 390 64 81

Email1: jdjcerni@eunet.rs (link sends e-mail)

Email2: biljana.radojevic@yahoo.com (link sends e-mail)


23. International Centre for Water Cooperation  (link is external)(ICWC)

Established in 2014, The centre will address water cooperation in its broadest sense with a primary focus on water for peace and regional development. It will perform research, publish results, and build capacity through dedicated training programmes. Its objectives are to further develop the understanding of how transboundary waters may act as a catalyst for cooperation in an increasingly complex (e.g. due to global changes) and interdependent world and to translate this understanding into concrete policy proposals and options. The centre would be based at SIWI and would build on its internationally-oriented programmes and activities aimed at seeking sustainable solutions to the world’s escalating water crisis.


Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

Linnégatan 87A Box 101 87100 55 



Tel: +46 8 12136082

Email1: Therese.Sjomander-magnusson@siwi.org (link sends e-mail)

Email2: marian.patrick@siwi.org (link sends e-mail)


24. Regional Centre on Capacity Development and Research in Water Harvesting (RCWH)

Established in 2014, the aim of this centre is to provide training and research opportunities; generate and provide scientific and technical information and support the exchange of information, in particular with regard to local scientific, technical and managerial knowledge, in the various domains of water harvesting;


National Training of the Public Water Corporation

Khartoum, Sudan 

Email: ahmed_eltayeb2000@yahoo.com (link sends e-mail)


25. Regional centre for groundwater management for Latin America and the Caribbean (link is external) (GW-LAC)

Signed in 2014, the centre will provide facilities and opportunities for advanced research on aquifer systems and groundwater resources management for scientists from Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) countries. The purpose of the Centre is two-fold: to strengthen national capacity in support of the sustainable management of aquifers in the country, and to address the needs and requirements jointly identified with other countries of the region by working in mutual cooperation. The objectives and programmes of the proposed Centre would contribute to fulfilling the objectives of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme


Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Vivienda,

Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente

Galicia 1133, 3 Piso 

C.P. 11.100

Montevideo 11100 Uruguay

Tel: 598 (2) 917 07 10 Ext. 4553

Email: jorge.rucks@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)


26. International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (link is external) (ICWRGC)

Secretariat German IHP/HWRP National Committee

Federal Institute of Hydrology

P.O. Box 200253

56002 Koblenz, Germany

Tel: +49 (0)261 1306 5313

Mobile +49 (0)172 2522 616

Telefax  +49 (0)261 1306 5422

Email: demuth@bafg.de (link sends e-mail)


Proposed Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO as of 2016
1. International Centre on Water and Transdisciplinarity (CIRAT)
Created in Brazil in 2009, the proposal to establish CIRAT under the auspices of UNESCO was received in 2016. CIRAT conducts research and activities on the role of transdisciplinarity to ensure the sustainability of water resources, including the social, economic and cultural dimensions of analyzing water challenges as a fundamental way to ensuring the future of cities and the better understanding of rural settlements.
Federative Republic of Brazil
E-mail: sergioaugustoribeiro@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)
2. Regional Centre on Water Security (Centro Regional de Seguridad Hídrica)
UNESCO received the proposal to establish the Regional Centre on Water Security under the auspices of UNESCO in 2016. The Centre is proposed to enhance scientific cooperation at regional level and to improve the understanding on water research, with focus on water security as a framework to cross the common divides of water services and resources.
Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in collaboration with the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA)
Dr. Fernando J. González Villarreal
E-mail: fgv@pumas.iingen.unam.mx (link sends e-mail) 

3. Institute for Water Education
IHE, a leading institute in the field of postgraduate water education, was a UNESCO Category 1 Institute from 2001 to 2016. In order to facilitate continuous funding beyond 2016 by the Dutch Government and allow the Institute’s activities to grow and develop for the benefit of UNESCO Member States, a proposal was made to turn it into a Category 2 ‘Institute for Water Education’ under the auspices of UNESCO.
PO Box 3015
2601 DA Delft
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)152151715
Fax: +31 (0)152122921

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