ISI International Training Workshop on Integrated Sediment M...
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Sediment Dynamics for a Changing Future (Banasik et al.)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2012-03-01

Sediment Dynamics for a Changing Future

Edited by Kazimierz Banasik, Arthur J. Horowitz, Philip N. Owens, Mike Stone & Des E. Walling


IAHS Publ. 337 (2010) ISBN 978-1-907161-10-0, 376 + viii pp. Price £74.00

The 48 papers in this volume aim to advance our understanding of the processes of erosion and sedimentation in relation to sediment dynamics and water quality. Keynote papers are followed by papers grouped into three main themes. Those on Human Impact on Sediment Budgets are primarily concerned with the influence of land-use change on catchment sediment yields and/or fluxes. The group on The Structure, Functioning and Management of Fluvial Sediment Systems provide valuable information on topics including the dynamics of flood plain sedimentation, temporal variation of sediment parameters and the important influence of sediment on aquatic ecosystems. The third group dealing with Experiment-based and Modelling Approaches to Sediment Research, highlight the important role of both monitoring and modelling studies in generating an improved understanding of catchment sediment dynamics, sediment fluxes and river water quality.


    • Kazimierz Banasik, Arthur J. Horowitz, Philip N. Owens, Mike Stone & Des E. Walling
      Preface, iii

  1. Keynote Papers
  2. Human Impact on Sediment Budgets
  3. The Structure, Functioning and Management of Fluvial Sediment Systems
  4. Experiment-based and Modelling Approaches to Sediment Research

    (Source: IAHS,

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