ISI International Training Workshop on Integrated Sediment M...
Papers Published in the International Journal of Sediment Re...China promotes global water resources management
6th SedNet Conference, 7-9 October 2009
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2010-03-26

6th SedNet Conference, 7-9 October 2009

Presentations (in pdf format)
Wednesday 7 October 2009
? Welcome
by A. Netzband, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
? Welcome
by J. Meier, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
? Report from the SedNet Round Table Discussion 揑mplementation of sediment management issues into the first RBM Plans?/FONT>
P. den Besten, SedNet Steering Group / Centre for Water Management, The Netherlands
? Natura 2000 and estuaries
F. Kremer, European Commission, Belgium
? Building with nature
M. Scholten, IMARES, the Netherlands
Conceptual Approaches
? Assessment and management framework of sediment in Canadian waters
S. Roe et al, Environment Canada, Canada
? The US Army Corps of Engineers Regional Sediment Management Program
J.P. Waters, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, USA
(presentation has been cancelled)
? Contaminated dredged marine sediments: Developing a Management Framework for the UK Context
K. Black, Partrac Ltd., Scotland
? Developing a sediment management framework for WFD River Basin Planning in the UK
S.T. Casper et al, Environment Agency, UK
? Science, trans-science and policy: How to build a dredged material decision framework
S.E. Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions Ltd., UK
Thursday 8 October 2009
Management and Policy
? People's perception of natural hazards
B. Ratter, GKSS Research Center, Institute for Coastal Research, Germany (presentation not available for publication)
? Sediment and society: assessing approaches for including stakeholder interests and contaminated sediment management
A.M.P. Oen et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
? Enhancing connectivity between science and policy making: the sediment issue in the Venice lagoon
A. Barbanti et al, Thetis SpA, Italy
? The EU environmental policy shift towards sustaining of ecosystem services and its possible implications for sediment management
J.M. Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands
? Monitoring the Water Framework Directive for hydromorphology and sediments
O. van Dam et al, RPS BCC, the Netherlands
? Chemical monitoring in the context of sediment management in estuaries
B. Schubert et al, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany
? How can we improve the sediment risk assessment in the Port of Hamburg Maintenance Dredging program? - a new concept is needed
C. Floeter, Science and Law Consult, Germany
? Sediments: a source of chemicals for the marine environment, in more than one way
J. van Gils et al, Deltares, the Netherlands
Sediment Management
? Beneficial reuse and morphological restoration
G. Cecconi, Consorzio Venezia Nuova - Thetis, Italy
? The Walsoorden pilot project: a first step in morphological management of the Western Scheldt, conciliating nature preservation and port accessibility
Y. Plancke et al, Flanders Hydraulics, Belgium
? Climate change enhanced risk for mass failure of sediment into rivers - how do we manage such events?
G. G鰎ansson et al, Swedish Geotechnical Institute, Sweden
? Climate change and socio-economic impacts on the long term sediment balance in the Belgian part of the North Sea
R. De Sutter et al, Ghent University, Belgium
Sediment Balance and Transport
? The meaning of suspended sediment transport in the Elbe for the coastal area (Germany)
K. Moshenberg et al, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
(presentation has been cancelled)
? Biological engineering - consequences for sediment stability and floc entrainment & transport
S.U. Gerbersdorf et al, University of Stuttgart, Germany
? A modelling system handling the wide range of time scales involved in sediment transport processes
B.J. Dewals et al, University of Li鑗e, Belgium
? Use of tracer particles - a new technique to monitor and quantify transport of contaminated sediments
J. Laugesen et al, Det Norske Veritas, Norway
Friday 9 October 2009
Special Session: Managing the Elbe Estuary
? Challenges and visions for the Elbe estuary from a user抯 perpective
H. Glindemann, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
? Natura 2000 ?Management-planning for the Elbe estuary
E. Klocke, Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Germany
? Sediment management in the Port of Hamburg
C. Flecken, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
? The tidal Elbe ?Natural development, sediment management (physical basics) and climate change
H. Heyer, Bundesanstalt f黵 Wasserbau, Germany
? Excursion to METHA - Dredged material treatment and disposal facilities
H.-D. Detzner, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
Posters (in pdf format)
Posters on Conceptual Approaches and Case Studies
? A new sediment assessment framework in the Netherlands: the sediment as a part of the aquatic ecosystem
L. Ost?et al, Deltares, the Netherlands
? The role of environmental stewardship in sediment management: the example of the Fraser river basin, British Columbia, Canada
P.N. Owens, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
? Impact of Priority Substances Daughter and Marine Strategy Directives on sediment management: setting the bar high in difficult economic times
R.J. Wenning et al, ENVIRON International Corp, USA
? Lower Fox River Operable Unit 2 - 5 Remediation Works
H.W. van Dam et al, Boskalis Dolman, the Netherlands
Posters on Risk, Sediment Quality, Availability
? Geochemical and ecotoxicological evolution of a dredged sediment submitted to three protocols simulating ageing under oxidation conditions
P. Bataillard et al, BRGM, France
? Contaminated sediments at Ramsund naval base in Norway. Risk assessment and remedial action plan
H. Bj鴕nstad et al, Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, Norway
? The importance of the "natural background" determination in sediment management: geochemical and mineralogical approach
D. Are et al, SELC Societ?Cooperativa, Italy
? Environmental budget related to dredging and depositing of polluted sediments in Stamsund harbor, Norway
R. Skirstad Grini et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
? On the behaviour of dredged material at a disposal site in the German Bight, North Sea
U. Hentschke et al, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany
? Benthic foraminifera: an ecological approach for the environmental quality assessment of sediments in the Augusta harbour (Sicily, Italy)
E. Romano et al, ISPRA, Italy
? Measurement and modeling of polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation from sediment for a marine polychaete and response to sorbent amendment
E.M.-L. Janssen et al, Stanford University, USA
? Sediment and Biota Guidelines of the WFD
M. Ricking, FU Berlin, Germany
Posters on Technologies
? Real-time ADCP current measurements with both mobile and fixed systems for monitoring the dredging of the Port of Genoa (Italy)
M. Capello et al, University of Genoa, Italy
? Sediment capping - an alternative to dredging of polluted sediments
H. Rye et al, SINTEF, Norway
? Innovative riverbank restoration using Geotube elements filled with contaminated sludge
R.J.M. Wortelboer et al, TenCate Geotube? the Netherlands
? Treatment of organic-rich sediments through combined in situ and on site techniques - case study
J. Thomas et al, URS Deutschland GmbH, Germany
? Seismic investigation and vibrocore study in Exploration zone 4 on the Belgian Continental Shelf
E. van Quickelborne et al, Flemish Government, Belgium
? Active capping and control of gas ebullition-facilitated contaminant transport
K. Rockne et al, University of Illinois, USA / Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss閑s, France
Posters on Sediment Transport
? Floodsearch I - Annular flume investigations of contaminated and remobilised sediments under flood conditions - combined hydrodynamic and ecotoxicological approaches to assess their erosion and environmental impact
C. Cofalla et al, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
? Sediment release during dredging in relation to natural sediment transport
K. de Vries et al, Medusa Explorations, the Netherlands
? Investigation on sedimentation and erosion dynamics of groyne fields in the river Elbe and its relevance for contamination transport
T. Jancke et al, University of Stuttgart, Germany
? Questions to turbidity measurements in the Elbe river
B. Vaessen et al, Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Cuxhaven, Germany
? Characterization of sediment dynamics using Sediment Profile Imaging
E. Bizzotto, ENVIRON Italy S.r.l., Italy
? Development of a model based monitoring of the Elbe estuary
N. Ohle et al, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
? Comparison of measurement techniques for monitoring sediment transport, under field conditions, in the Scheldt estuary
K. Paridaens et al, University of Antwerp, Belgium
? How do salinity and SPM structure in the Lower Sea Scheldt influence the maintenance dredging volumes in Deurganckdock?
R. De Sutter et al, International Marine & Dredging Consultants IMDC, Belgium
? Metal-rich anthropogenic glass particles within sediments in an urbanised river basin: novel observations on contaminated sediments
K.G. Taylor et al, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

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