ISI International Training Workshop on Integrated Sediment M...
Papers Published in the International Journal of Sediment Re...China promotes global water resources management
Proceedings of Workshop Erosion, Transport and Deposition of Sediments (April.2008, Berne, Switzerl
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2009-06-17


Abstracts Book of abstracts
Presentation Dieter Rickenmann Debris flows and sediment transport in steep catchments
Presentation Alfred J. W黣st Hydropower downstream effects on particle transport to Lake Brienz (Switzerland) and its ecological functioning
Presentation Anton Schleiss Reservoir sedimentation and sustainable development 
Presentation Martin Weiss Sediment problems in the Austrian Rhine catchment 
Presentation Stefan Vollmer Sediment deposition and sediment management in the impounded section of the Upper Rhine
Presentation Martin Keller Contaminated sediments in the Rhine basin - relevant pollutants and resuspension risk
Presentation Thomas Udelhoven Finger printing of suspended sediment sources in the Luxembourg part of the Rhine catchment: prospects for future developments
Presentation Emil G鰈z Dynamic bed stabilization and sediment management in the free flowing Rhine
Presentation Roy Frings Morphological processes at river bifurcations
Presentation Hendrik Havings Navigation aspects of river and sediment management (the Dutch Rhine River)
Presentation Henrique ML Chaves Soil erosion modeling and control in Brazil - Past, present and future
Presentation Chunhong Hu Changes in water and sediment loads of rivers in China
Presentation Gerrit Basson Reservoir sedimentation - An overview of global sedimentation rates and predicted sedimentation deposition
Presentation Des Walling Investigating the changing sediment loads of the world's rivers: Problems and Findings
Final report English version
Final report German version

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