River Dynamics and Integrated River Management (Wang, Lee and Melching, 2015)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2015-01-08

River Dynamics and Integrated River Management

Wang, Zhao-Yin, Lee, Joseph H.W., Melching, Charles S.

Jointly published with Tsinghua University Press

2015, XII, 847 p.

Available Formats:
142,79 €
169,95 €
  • Covers vegetation-erosion dynamics
  • Details the artificial step-pool system for debris flow control and stream restoration
  • Discusses stream ecology assessment and restoration strategies
  • Provides a broad understanding of the fluvial processes of hyperconcentrated rivers

"River Dynamics and Integrated River Management” provides comprehensive information on rivers for integrated management, including natural processes, stresses resulting from human activities, and restoration of various parts of the river basin, including the watershed, mountain streams, alluvial rivers, estuaries, and natural and man-made lakes. Essential concepts, traditional and modern, such as river patterns, step-pool systems, vegetation-erosion charts, habitat diversity, and flushing times of bays, are clearly defined physically and explained with figures and pictures. Detailed mathematics and rigorous analyses are avoided so as to facilitate a holistic view of the subject of integrated river management. Researchers can easily familiarize themselves with the science of river management in its widest sense with the impressive pictures and examples in this book.
Dr. Zhaoyin Wang is a professor at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China. Dr. Joseph H.W. Lee is a Chair Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China. Dr. Charles S. Melching is a Professor at the College of Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA.

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Geomorphology - Hydraulic Engineering - Stream Ecology - TUP

Related subjects » Environmental Management - Hydrology and Water Resources - Nature Conservation & Biodiversity - Paleoenvironmental Sciences


Basic concepts and management issues of rivers.- Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics.- Debris flows and landslides.- Mountain streams and incised channels.- Sediment movement and fluvial processes.- Flood defence and water and sediment management of alluvial rivers with particular reference to the Yellow River.- Management of impounded rivers with the Three Gorges Project as a case study.- Deltaic processes and estuary management.- River ecology and stream restoration.- Environment and water quality.- Integrated river management.

(Source: Springer)

River Dynamics and Integrated River Management(河流动力学与河流综合管理) 

作者:Zhao-Yin Wang Joseph H.W.Lee Charles S.Melching



前言: 041106-01.txt 
In 1994, Dr. E. Plate and I initiated the Sino-German cooperation research on unsteady sediment transportation (known as GESINUS), which was supported by VW-Foundation and DFG of Germany and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The bilateral cooperation achieved important results and shifted my main research interest from fluvial rivers to mountain rivers. The idea to study and write a book on integrated river management came to my mind when I found that the sedimentation problems in the lower reaches of rivers were essentially caused by riverbed incision in upstream reaches.
The writing of this book began in 1997 when Dr. G. Klaassen invited me to teach a short course in the IHE Delft with the main contents of the course focused on the Yellow River training and management and the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River in China. The notes from this short course have become the main contents of Chapters 6 and 7 of this book. In the same year I took part in a western China investigation organized by the Central Government, one of the themes was greening the mountains and hills and beautifying the landscape. To answer the question “if the bare hills in arid and semi-arid areas can be vegetated?” I studied the dynamic relations among vegetation development, soil erosion, and various stresses on the vegetation and established the theory and model of vegetation-erosion dynamics, which has become the main contents of Chapter 2. During the process of developing the model a discussion with Dr. J. B. Thornes was very constructive.
To study riverbed incision and control strategies my research group established field experimental stations on the Xiaojiang River in Yunnan, Mianyuan River in Sichuan, and East River in Guangdong. The results from the field investigations and field experiments at these sites have become the main contents of Chapter 3. I began to study debris flow in 1984 and visited the Dongchuan Debris Flow Observation and Research Station every year, where I witnessed debris flows. Dr. Z. Kang worked in the station for 20 years and was among my research partners. The great Wenchuan Earthquake occurred on May 12, 2008 and rekindled my research interest in landslides and debris flows. My research group studied landslides, avalanches, and debris flows in the earthquake area in the period 2008-2010, during which Dr. P. Cui supported us with valuable ideas and convenient access to data. The results from these studies enriched the contents of Chapter 4.
The main concepts of sediment transportation and fluvial processes in Chapter 5 are from Dr. Ning Chien. It was under the guidance of Dr. Ning Chien that I started my research in the field of sedimentation, especially hyperconcentrated flows. I worked with him for seven years with sincere and deeply friendly feelings. I was deeply saddened when he passed away in 1986. I here express a few words of both my grief and fond memories of my dearest professor.
I have collaborated with Dr. J.H.W. Lee on several research projects since 1999. We studied river ecology and the eutrophication and algal blooms in the Bohai Sea and Hong Kong waters. The discussion between us on various issues on the river management, especially deltaic and coastal processes, elicited valuable ideas for integrated river management. Dr. Lee contributed Chapter 8, which makes the book more complete.
Dr. Ben Yen, Dr. Tai Wai Soong, Dr. C. S. Melching, and I initiated Sino-U.S. cooperation on environmental sediment research in 1999. During my visits to the U.S. I contacted the Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group and discussed stream restoration with various members of this group. The discussion was very constructive for writing Chapter 10. Since then my research team began to study aquatic ecology. In 2003, I was granted a research project from the Ministry of Science and Technology to study the ecology of Yangtze River, and in 2007 I was granted a research project from the NSFC to
River Dynamics and Integrated River Management
study benthic invertebrates. The research results from these projects have become the main contents of Chapter 10.
Dr. C. S. Melching made great contributions to this book. He has visited China and collaborated with my research group every year since 2004. We worked together on sediment transportation, aquatic ecology, and water quality and published quite a few papers. Dr. Melching gave me valuable ideas for stream ecology and contributed Chapter 9. Moreover, he polished the English of all chapters several times. It is due to his efforts the English of book is at the international standard.
In the period from 2005 to 2010 my research group conducted several experiments on the Diaoga River and the Jiangjia Ravine in Yunnan, and the Mianyuan River in Sichuan and performed field investigations and measurement in the Yalutsangbu, Yellow, East, and Songhua rivers to search for methods of integrated river management for geological hazard mitigation, erosion and sedimentation control, and ecological restoration. Both theoretical and technical results were obtained and they have become the main contents of Chapter 11.
The style of the book is such that it should readily useable as a textbook for graduate students and also as a reference book for scientists and engineers. There were several versions of the book beginning from 2003, which were printed at Tsinghua University as a textbook for graduate and Ph.D. students. The main contents of the book were also used as a textbook at the University of Hongkong, IHE Delft, Bari University, and UNESCO training courses organized by the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation. I have been working as the Chief Editor of the International Journal of Sediment Research since 1996 and an Associate Editor of the International Journal of River Basin Management (IAHR). The experience of journal editor helped me to access new research results, which was helpful for completion of the book. Finally, it is a pleasant duty to express thanks to all my immediate collaborators over the years, who have contributed in different ways to the creation of this book.
Zhao-Yin Wang   May 2014, Beijing

1 Basic Concepts and Management Issues of Rivers..5
1.1 Basic Concepts ..5
1.1.1 Hydrological Cycle.5
1.1.2 Drainage Network6
1.1.3 Sediment 13
1.1.4 Sediment Loads and Bed Forms 16
1.1.5 River Patterns..20
1.1.6 Morphological and Hydraulic Features..23
1.1.7 Chemical Features.25
1.1.8 River Ecology .27
1.2 Major River Management Issues33
1.2.1 Water Resources.33
1.2.2 Flooding.35
1.2.3 Soil Erosion..38
1.2.4 Riverbed Incision and Geological Disasters 41
1.2.5 Pollution and Eutrophication43
1.2.6 Reservoir Management ..45
1.2.7 River Uses.46
1.2.8 Ecological Restoration and Integrated River Management..47
Review Questions..50
2 Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics 53
2.1 Erosion53
2.1.1 Agents of Erosion..53
2.1.2 Water Erosion..56
2.1.3 Grain Erosion and Control Strategy.62
2.2 Vegetation..70
2.2.1 Various Vegetations..70
2.2.2 Ecological Stresses on Vegetation.77
2.2.3 Classification of Stresses81
2.3 Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics.86
2.3.1 Differential Equations.86
2.3.2 Application of Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics.89
2.3.3 Vegetation-Erosion Chart..94
2.3.4 Application of Vegetation-Erosion Chart..99
2.4 Riparian Vegetation108
2.4.1 Zoning of Riparian Vegettion108
2.4.2 Role of Vegetation in Fluvial Process .. 110
2.4.3 Dendrogeomrophic Evidence of Evolution of Incised Rivers.. 114
Review Questions 116
References.. 117
River Dynamics and Integrated River Management
3 Mountain Rivers and Incised Channels 123
3.1 Incised Rivers123
3.1.1 Riverbed Incision123
3.1.2 Causes of Incision..127
3.1.3 Evolution process of Incised River132
3.2 Bedrock Channels ..137
3.2.1 Incision Rate of Bedrock Channels137
3.2.2 Incision Processes of Bedrock Channels.140
3.2.3 Knickpoints143
3.3 Bed Structures Resisting Incision145
3.3.1 Step-pool Systems..145
3.3.2 Development of a Step-Pool System.150
3.3.3 Other Types of Bed Structures .159
3.4 Environmental Impacts and Control Strategies of Riverbed Incision..163
3.4.1 Environmental Impacts 163
3.4.2 Incision Control Strategies.168
Review Questions181
4 Debris Flows and Landslides ..193
4.1 Disasters Causedby Landslides and Debris Flows193
4.1.1 Landslides..193
4.1.2 Debris Flows.197
4.1.3 Landslide Disasters200
4.1.4 Debris Flow Disasters..210
4.2 Effects of Landslides on Rivers213
4.2.1 Essential Cause of Landslides..213
4.2.2 Landslide Dams215
4.3 Mechanisms of Debris Flows223
4.3.1 Pseudo-One-Phase and Two-Phase Debris Flows..223
4.3.2 Mechanisms of Two-Phase Debris Flows..226
4.3.3 Phenomena and Mechanisms of Pseudo-one-Phase Debris Flows  233
4.3.4 slope Debris Flows.243
4.4 Mitigation of Landslide and Debris Flow Hazards 246
4.4.1 Mitigation of Landslide Hazards.246
4.4.2 Prediction and Warning of Debris Flow..248
4.4.3 Debris Flow Control Engineering..250
4.4.4 Reclamation of Landslides and Debris Flow Fans.255
Appendix Mathematical derivation and explanation for the phenomenon of roll waves257
Review Questions260
5 Sediment Movement in Alluvial Rivers.265
5.1 Hydraulics..265
5.1.1 Hydrograph 265
5.1.2 Open Channel Flows.267
5.1.3 Velocity Profile 270
5.1.4 Bed Forms..273
5.1.5 Resistance ..280
5.2 Sediment Transportation and Hyperconcentrated Flow ..286
5.2.1 Fall Velocity..286
5.2.2 Sediment Transportation .290
5.2.3 Hyperconcentrated Flow.294
5.3 River Patterns 309
5.3.1 Meandering Rivers.310
5.3.2 Straight Rivers..312
5.3.3 Braided and Anabranching Rivers..314
5.3.4 Wandering Rivers315
5.3.5 Anastomosing Rivers318
5.3.6 Avulsion..319
5.4 New Approaches .320
5.4.1 Rate of Bed Load Transport in Mountain Streams.320
5.4.2 River Motion Dynamics..324
5.4.3 Water-Sediment Chart..329
5.4.4 River Sediment Matrix.330
Review Questions332
6 Flood Defense and Water/Sediment Management —With Particular Reference to The Yellow River .337
6.1 Flood Disasters.337
6.1.1 The Yellow River Basin ..337
6.1.2 Flood Disasters in the History..338
6.1.3 Training of the River.342
6.1.4 River Training Theories ..344
6.2 Flood Defense Strategies.344
6.2.1 Wide RiverValley..344
6.2.2 Narrow Channel..345
6.2.3 Reservoirs 346
6.2.4 Grand Levees 347
6.2.5 Flood-Detention Basins347
6.2.6 Reforestation and Sediment-Check Dams..347
6.2.7 Artificial Flood.349
6.2.8 Dredging .351
6.3 Water Resources Management.352
6.3.1 General Conditions 352
6.3.2 A Case Study—the Yellow River Delta..354
6.4 New Problems in the Yellow River Management ..359
6.4.1 Power Generation Reduces the Channel Capacity.359
6.4.2 Reclamation of the Floodplain Increases Flood Loss ..362
6.4.3 Water Diversion Causes Flow Cut-Off 363
6.4.4 Collapse of Spur Dykes364
6.4.5 Water Diversion Changes Fluvial Process .365
River Dynamics and Integrated River Management
6.4.6 Delta Channel Stability and Land Creation368
6.5 Lessons FromSanmenxia Reservoir.373
6.5.1 Sanmenxia Reservoir 374
6.5.2 Management of Reservoir Sedimentation..377
6.5.3 Sedimentation of the Weihe River Induced by Sanmenxia Reservoir..380
6.5.4 Equilibrium Sedimentation Model.384
6.5.5 Changed River Patterns385
6.5.6 Erosion and Resiltation Below Sanmenxia Dam 386
6.6 Proposed New Strategies.388
6.6.1 Reclamation of the Floodplain.388
6.6.2 Scouring the Yellow River Channel with Seawater ..389
6.6.3 Artificial Hyperconcentrated Floods.390
6.6.4 Interbasin Water Transfer Projects.392
6.6.5 Liberate Flood Detention Basins.392
Review Questions392
7 Dams and Impounded Rivers..397
7.1 Impacts of Dams on The Environment and Ecology.397
7.1.1 Dam Construction..397
7.1.2 Water Quality in Reservoirs..401
7.1.3 Water Quality Released from Reservoirs405
7.1.4 Water Quality Control..406
7.1.5 Impacts on Ecology408
7.2 Reservoir Sedimentation Management 414
7.2.1 Reservoir Sedimentation . 414
7.2.2 Sedimentation Management Strategies417
7.3 Dam Failure and Dam Removal..428
7.3.1 Dam Failure428
7.3.2 Dam Removal ..435
7.4 Construction and Management of the Three Gorges Project.439
7.4.1 Construction of the Three Gorges Dam ..440
7.4.2 Sedimentation and Management Strategies ..447
7.4.3 Environmental and Social Impacts.455
Review Questions460
8 Estuary Processes and Managment.467
8.1 Deltaic Processes.467
8.1.1 Two Types of Delta Development..467
8.1.2 Effects of Human Activities..472
8.1.3 Ecology of Male and Female Rivers.474
8.1.4 Parasitizing Rivers .475
8.2 Flooding Risk and Flood Defence Strategies479
8.2.1 Flooding Due to Subsidence—Venice Lagoon 479
8.2.2 Tsunami and Hurricane482
8.2.3 Rainstorm Flooding484
8.3 Estuarine Hydrography and Tidal Flushing486
8.3.1 Tidal Currents488
8.3.2 Density Stratification 490
8.3.4 Tidal Flushing ..493
8.3.5 Application for Estuarine Management ..498
8.4 Eutrophication and Algal Bloom.502
8.4.1 Symptoms and Environmental Impacts503
8.4.2 Causes of Eutrophication 505
8.4.4 Eutrophication Control and Management..509
8.5 Waste Disposal and Impact Assessment..517
8.5.1 Waste Disposal.517
8.5.2 Initial Mixing 518
8.5.3 Diffuser Design525
8.5.4 Case Study: Hong Kong Harbor Area Treatment Scheme .529
8.6 Coastal Wetlands.533
8.6.1 Function of Wetlands 533
8.6.2 Wetland Evolution, Degradation and Restoration..539
8.6.3 Wetland Construction and Protection544
Review Questions548
9 Water Quality Management.555
9.1 Water Quality and Pollution ..555
9.1.1 Water Quality555
9.1.2 Pollution..557
9.2 Dissolved Oxygen..559
9.2.1 The Basic Dissolved Oxygen Problem.559
9.2.2 Streeter and Phelps Model .561
9.2.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand .572
9.2.4 Total Dissolved Oxygen Balance579
9.3 Nutrient Effects591
9.3.1 Eutrophication..592
9.3.2 Nutrient Control..596
9.4 Waterborne and Water-Contact Diseases.603
9.4.1 Water-Contact Diseases and Indicator Organisms .604
9.4.2 Microbial Risk Assessment608
9.4.3 Disinfection Methods611
9.5 Sediment Contamination.615
9.5.1 Assessment of Sediment Toxicity..616
9.5.2 Remediation/Cleanup of Contaminated Sediment.617
Review Questions622
Rerences ..624
10 River Ecology and Restoration 633
10.1 River Ecosystems..633
10.1.1 Spatial Elements of River Ecosystems..633
10.1.2 Biological Communities635
River Dynamics and Integrated River Management
10.1.3 Ecological Conditions642
10.1.4 Ecological Functions of Rivers.645
10.1.5 Dynamic Equilibrium.649
10.2 Ecological Stresses650
10.2.1 Natural Stresses.650
10.2.2 Human-Induced Stresses..655
10.2.3 Introduction of Exotic Species..666
10.3 Assessment of River Ecosystems..671
10.3.1 Indicator Species..671
10.3.2 Metrics of Biodiversity .674
10.3.3 Bioassessment686
10.3.4 Habitat Evaluation and Modeling 689
10.4 Restoration Strategies..698
10.4.1 Design of Stream Restoration 698
10.4.2 Instream Structures for Habitat Restoration700
10.4.3 stream Restoration705
10.4.4 Artificial Wetlands..707
10.4.5 Riparian Vegetation Restoration and Food Patches709
10.4.6 Restoration of Impounded and Channelized Streams 712
10.4.7 Restoration of Ecosystems Disturbed by Other Stresses..713
Review Questions.715
11 Integrated River Management .725
11.1 Principles of Integrated River Management.725
11.1.1  Management of Rivers .. 725
11.1.2  Stability of Rivers.728
11.1.3  Principles For River Management732
11.1.4  Limit Velocity Law..740
11.2 Sediment and River Morphology Management..744
11.2.1  River Networks .744
11.2.2  Equivalency of Bed Structures and Bed Load Motion..749
11.2.3  Sediment Budget—Size Distribution Method762
11.2.4  Sediment Budget Matrix ..772
11.3 Methods of Integrated River Restoration ..774
11.3.1  Hazard Mitigation, and Ecology Restoration With Artificial     Step-Pool System..775
11.3.2  Debris Flow Control With Artificial Step-Pool System 780
11.3.3  Reforestation and Terrestrial Ecosystem Management With Selected Wood Species..791  
Review Questions.794  
Subject Index.801
Color Figures Index ..807

样章: 041106-02.pdf 

(Source: 清华大学出版社,http://www.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn/book/SHOWBOOK.asp?cpbh=041106-02)

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