UNESCO-IHP releases new brochure on Urban Water Series
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2011-03-04

UNESCO-IHP releases new brochure on Urban Water Series

The UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series, comprising a set of books on urban water management, addresses fundamental issues related to the role of water in cities and the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle and water resources. Focusing on integrated approaches to sustainable urban water management, the Series provides valuable scientific and practical information for urban water practitioners, policy-makers and educators throughout the world.

The brochure outlines the current publications in the series and informs on the upcoming release of several new titles in the series. The Urban Water Series is edited by Cedo Maksimovic of Imperial College (UK) and J. Alberto Tejada-Guibert and Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa of UNESCO-IHP.

UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series brochure

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