The 3rd United Nations World Water Development Report: Water in a Changing World (WWDR-3)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2009-03-19

The 3rd United Nations World Water Development Report: Water in a Changing World (WWDR-3)

3rd UN World Water Development Report, 2009


New Features of the 3rd edition

  1. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The experience gained during the development of the first two WWDRs and insights learned from consultations and assessments on WWAP’s past performance demonstrated that the program will benefit from the involvement of a body comprised of scientists, policy and decision makers, stakeholders and representatives from member states. The TAC is composed of members from academia, research institutions, non-governmental organizations, public and professional organizations, and two ex-officio members (Chair of UN-Water and WWAP Coordinator).
  2. Seven Expert Groups. To strengthen the scientific basis as well as possible implementation of the report and its recommendations, interdisciplinary expert groups were created for a number of topics, including ‘Indicators, Monitoring and Databases’, ‘Business, Trade, Finance and Involvement of the Private Sector’, ‘Policy Relevance’, ‘Scenarios’, ‘Climate Change and Water’, and ‘Legal Issues’ and ‘Storage’.
  3. Accompanying Publications. A number of side publications will accompany the WWDR-3, which are intended to provide more focused, in-depth information, scientific background knowledge, policy guidelines and interface with other, less conventional water sectors. These publications will include scientific side papers, sector and topic-specific reports, briefs for policy makers and a Dialogue Series.
  4. Side Processes. A number of side processes are planned to address relevant issues over time within the general framework of WWAP. These include “Scenario development and modelling”; “Indicator development, monitoring and reporting”; “WWDR Living Document”; “Data/ meta data bases”; and “Capacity development.”

The Structure and Process

Timeline for the WWDR-3:

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