Documents of the "Living with Sediments"
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2008-10-06
Living with Sediments 

The living with sediments project started in 2006 and is sponsored by the a research program on water issues, called 扡iving with water?( Together with different consortium partners TNO (, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, is shaping the project. The living with sediment project starts from the notion that sediment management has become a complex issue. This complexity has different dimensions:

  • The perception of sediments is generally negative. Sediment is often perceived as a waste or as a substance that poses a risk to health and environment;
  • The sediment issue has an impact on the interest of multiple stakeholders (for example farmers, shipping and environmental organizations). Those stakeholders are generally not involved in formulation of the problem, solutions or policy measures;
  • Legislation in the Netherlands concerning sediment management is quite strict. Due to this legislation the perception of sediment as a waste or a 憈oxic substance?is maintained and the costs of disposal of polluted dredged material are high;
  • The distribution of responsibilities over different involved institutions is complex. For instance, polluted sediment cannot always be contained in the area where has been dredged (a policy principle in the Netherlands). This means that dredged material has to be deposited in another area, causing 憈he problem?to move between institutional boundaries.



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     report of the special session of living with sediments-15-07-2008  
    22 07 2008
     report of the special session of living with sediments-15-07-2008  
    22 07 2008
     presentation_3_local systems to the river basin_joop vegter_susanne heise_wim salomons  
    22 07 2008
     resilience-introduction-handouts-living with sediments  
    22 07 2008
     presentation_6_systemic approaches and systems?resilience as a challenge for water and sediment management_gerald jan ellen  
    22 07 2008
     presentation_5_sediment management as an innovation process_mike duijn  
    22 07 2008
     presentation_4_sediment management as an innovation process_piet den besten  
    22 07 2008
     presentation_2_science and scientists in multistakeholder planning and problem solving_michael mery  
    22 07 2008
     presentation_1_dredging action program provinsje fryslan_wim haalboom  
    22 07 2008
     report of the second international meeting of the living with sediments project  
    25 09 2007
     Report of the first international meeting of the living with sediments project  
    25 09 2007
     Presentation by Amy Oen, NGI, Case Oslo Fjord  
    10 01 2007
     Presentation by Todd Bridges, US Army ER&DC, Multicriteria-Decission-Analysis  
    10 01 2007
     Presentation by Susanne Heise, Technical University Hamburg, Norms and regulations around sediments  
    10 01 2007
     Presentation by Gerald Jan Ellen, TNO, The Rijnland case in the living with sediments project  
    10 01 2007
     Presentation by Lasse Gerrits, Erasmus University Rotterdam/TNO, The gentile art of co-evolution  
    10 01 2007
     Presentation by Astrid Souren, Radboud University on Standards, Soil, Science and Policy  
    10 01 2007
     Presentation by Herman Karl, USGS, Joint factfinding  
    20 12 2006
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