Sediment Management and Wetland Conservation at Yellow River Mouth (IRTCES)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2007-12-05

Sediment Management and Wetland Conservation at Yellow River Mouth

The research project on Sediment Management and Wetland Conservation at the Yellow River Mouth is jointly sponsored by UNESCO Office Beijing and the MInistry of Water Resources, People's Republic of China and executed by the IRTCES.

The Yellow River is well-known for its deficiency of water flux and abundant sediment load; the ocean dynamics are relatively weak and a great amount of the incoming sediment load deposit in the river mouth, extending the river mouth bar further offshore. Consequently, the Yellow River mouth has a strong function of creating land. Such a newly created wet land accomodates many migration birds, thus, sustainable development of the land requires stabilization of the Yellow River channel, long-term strategies of water resources development, flood risk analysis and control measures.

The final rechnical report will cover the following topics:

  • Sedimentation in the Yellow River mouth
  • Strategies for stabilizing the flow path
  • Wetland and nature reserves
  • Socio-Economic impact of sedimentation and wetland conservation
  • Institutional arrangements in sediment control and wetland conservation

    Full Report (pdf)
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