Training Course on Paper Writing for International Scientific and Technical Journals Held
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2023-12-11

A Training Course on Paper Writing for International Scientific and Technical Journals was held by IRTCES in the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) on November 17, 2023, in order to further promote the construction of world-class journals and improve the ability of experts, scholars and postgraduates to publish international journal papers.


Chaired by Prof. Cheng Liu, Associate Editor of International Journal of Sediment Research (IJSR) and Vice President of World Association on Erosion and Sedimentation Research (WASER), four presentations were made by: Prof. Charles Steven Melching, Associate Editor of IJSR and Adjunct Professor at the University of Wisconsin, USA; Prof. Yuehong Chen, Chief Editor’s Assistant and Associate Editor of IJSR; Prof. Liqin Qu, Executive Editor of International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR); and Ms. Yanwei Wang, Director of the editorial office of Journal RIVER and Deputy Director of Division of International Cooperation, IWHR.


Prof. Melching presented 6 steps for international paper writing in his presentation entitled “Publishing in International Journals: Procedures and Problems”, covering 7 topics which are: Suitable Topics for Archival Publication; Choosing the appropriate journal; Writing Clearly and Concisely; Using a Case Study to Demonstrate the Value of Your Research; Knowing the Scientific Terminology; The Review Process; and  Responding Fully and Completely to the Reviewers' Comments. Prof. Chen, Prof. Qu and Ms. Wang introduced the basic information and development history of IJSR, ISWCR and RIVER journals, the organizational structure of the editorial boards, the process of journal submission, the process of reviewing the articles, and the publicity of the journals, etc. They also comprehensively sorted out the norms and basic requirements for writing scientific and technological journals and analyzed specific issues involved in the process of writing, submitting and revising the papers from the perspective of professional editors. In the communication session, participants actively asked questions and discussed the key points and logic of writing scientific and technical journal papers, the selection of target journals, the precautions for submitting papers, the review time of journals, and the response to the review comments.


Researchers and postgraduates of IWHR, IRTCES, and more than 100 domestic and foreign experts and scholars participated in the training and exchange on site and online.


The training course.

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