Contents of ISWCR (Vol. 12, No.2, 2024)
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2024-05-29

Volume 12, Issue 2

Pages 241-486 (June 2024)

  1. Editorial Board

    Page i
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  2. An artificial neural network emulator of the rangeland hydrology and erosion model

    Pages 241-257
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  3. A modified RUSLE model to simulate soil erosion under different ecological restoration types in the loess hilly area

    Pages 258-266
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  4. Landsat satellite programme potential for soil erosion assessment and monitoring in arid environments: A review of applications and challenges

    Pages 267-278
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  5. Gully erosion mapping susceptibility in a Mediterranean environment: A hybrid decision-making model

    Pages 279-297
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  6. Assessing current and future soil erosion under changing land use based on InVEST and FLUS models in the Yihe River Basin, North China

    Pages 298-312
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  7. Estimation of generalized soil structure index based on differential spectra of different orders by multivariate assessment

    Pages 313-321
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  8. Temporal sediment source tracing during storm events in the black soil region, Northeast China

    Pages 322-336
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  9. Assessment of nutrients and conductivity in the Wachusett Reservoir watershed: An investigation of land use contributions and trends

    Pages 337-350
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  10. Effect of microrelief features of tillage methods under different rainfall intensities on runoff and soil erosion in slopes

    Pages 351-364
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  11. Automatic mapping of gully from satellite images using asymmetric non-local LinkNet: A case study in Northeast China

    Pages 365-378
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  12. Variation in soil infiltration properties under different land use/cover in the black soil region of Northeast China

    Pages 379-387
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  13. Historical evolution of gully erosion and its response to land use change during 1968–2018 in the Mollisol region of Northeast China

    Pages 388-402
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  14. Agricultural drought severity in NE Italy: Variability, bias, and future scenarios

    Pages 403-418
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  15. Tracing soil erosion with Fe3O4 magnetic powder: Principle and application

    Pages 419-431
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  16. Evaluating soil erosion and runoff dynamics in a humid subtropic, low stream order, southern plains watershed from cultivation and solar farm development

    Pages 432-445
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  17. Modification of the RUSLE slope length factor based on a multiple flow algorithm considering vertical leakage at karst landscapes

    Pages 446-454
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  18. Wind tunnel simulation of wind erosion and dust emission processes, and the influences of soil texture

    Pages 455-466
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  19. Predictive simulation and optimal allocation of surface water resources in reservoir basins under climate change

    Pages 467-480
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  20. Comment on “Assessing gully erosion and rehabilitation using multi temporal LiDAR DEMs: Case study from the Great Barrier Reef catchments, Australia” by Khan et al., 2023

    Pages 481-486
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