Popular science promotion and volunteer service in Wuhan University Campus: “Preserve clear water flowing”
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2024-03-26



Enchanting spring in March, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. March 22nd is the 32nd World Water Day, and also the first day of the 37th China Water Week. On that day, the volunteer service activity of popular science promotion themed "Gather Every Drop and Preserve Clear Water Flowing" was held at the Second Affiliated Primary School of Wuhan University. This activity is sponsored by the UNESCO in Water-Food-Environment Nexus in the Asia-Pacific Region and the Hubei Provincial Office of Water Conservation, and organized by the Communist Youth League Committee of School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University and Hubei Provincial Emergency Monitoring Center for Hydrology and Water Resources.

   The activity is aimed to disseminate water conservation knowledge and promote the virtue of water conservation. The idea of water conservation can take root in the hearts of students, who can become active advocates and practitioners of water conservation in the future. During the activity, Dr. Zhiwei Li who is from the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University, gave a very interesting lecture with the theme of “Adventure of Yarlung Tsangpo River Grand Canyon in 2011-2023”. He briefly introduced the formation of evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the river network system of the Yarlung Tsangpo River Basin, and water resources and hydropower in the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon, and the 12-year adventures of scientific expedition based on his own experiences. He vividly described the mountain peaks, cliffs, glaciers, bends, torrents and waterfalls he encountered during the scientific expedition. At the end of his speech, he showed more than 10 species of wildlife and rare plants with some amazing stories. His wonderful speech sparked lively discussions and many questions from 120 students.

A keynote lecture is giving by Zhiwei Li, associate professor of Wuhan University


After the lecture, 10 volunteers from the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University led the students to experience a series of water-related experiments, popularized the basic characteristics of water, and called on the students to cherish water resources. Finally, the volunteers gave each student a booklet on water conservation knowledge.


  This Chinese news was released by the Xinhua Net on Mary 22 with 0.467 million page views.


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