The 13th International SedNet conference held in Portugal during 6-8 September 2023
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2023-10-19

The 13th International SedNet conference was held 6-8 September 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. It engaged close to 150 participants including sediment scientists, policy makers and managers. The conference theme was: “Sediment continuum: applying an integrated management approach”. 

Oral presentations and posters were presented under 5 sessions: 

1) Sediment quality guidance and sediment quality assessment;
2) Circular economy – sediment as a resource;
3) Sediment in coastal and marine management;
4) Climate change and sediments: direct and indirect consequences and opportunities; and
5) Sediment management concepts and sediment policy. 

The conference was preceded by 3 workshops:
1) Measurements and good practice on sediment management: challenges and opportunities for Portugal;
2) SedNet Working Group Meeting: Sediment quality; and
3) SedNet Working Group: Circular Economy. 

All presentations are publicly available at: And the book of abstracts is available here:

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