International Workshop on Soil Erosion and Riverine Sediment in Mountainous Regions was held successfully
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: 国际泥沙研究培训中心 Updated: 2022-12-22

Organized by Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Center of Water and Soil Conservation and Ecological Environment, CAS &Ministry of Education, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation, State Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System, Environment and Resources, State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, and the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, the International Workshop on Soil Erosion and Riverine Sediment in Mountainous Regions was held successfully on line during November 17-18th, 2022.

The goal of this workshop is to invite well-known experts in related fields to exchange the latest research results, identify the current opportunities and challenges, and discuss the strategies to deal with climate change through online and offline means.

In the opening ceremony, Prof. Fahu Chen, from Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, Prof. Hao Feng, from Research Center of Water and Soil Conservation and Ecological Environment, CAS & MOE, and Prof. Qingbin Pan, from the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation were invited to give opening speech.

Totally 24 experts from Italy, Germany, Singapore, USA, Canada, China provide wonderful academic presentations, attracting about 200 researchers to participate online. Finally, Prof. Fan Zhang from Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Shaoshan An from CAS &Ministry of Education, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation co-chaired the discussion session of the conference, in which they drafted the " Declaration of opportunities and challenges for the study of soil erosion and river sediment in mountainous regions around the world" and discussed new research directions and goals for the future, expecting to make more contributions to basic science research and provide more opportunities for sustainable. We expect to make more contributions to basic scientific research and provide more scientific wisdom to improve the ecological environment and enhance human welfare.

The presentations include:

 Soil erosion assessment in Pan-Third Pole (Baoyuan LIU )
 Impacts of Asia water tower changing and countermeasures (Liping ZHU)
 Scaling soil erosion estimates in time and space (Richard Cruse )
 Soil conservation and ecosystem rehabilitation on Loess Plateau, benefit and Prospective (Guobin LIU)
 Representing global soil erosion and sediment flux in Earth System Models (Zeli TAN)
 Impact of modern climate change on fluvial sediment delivery in High Mountain Asia (Dongfeng LI)
 Freeze-thaw erosion landscape and subsurface flow observation in cold alpine critical zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Xiaoyan LI)
 Sediments contribution to soil contamination and loss of nutrients in EU agricultural soils (Panagos Panos)
 The response of soil erosion to vegetation restoration and rainfall events in the loess hill and gully region (Juying JIAO)
 Steep-Slope Viticulture and Climate Change: Threats, Monitoring, Sustainable Management (Paolo Tarolli)
 Effects of Ecological Engineering Projects on Soil Erosion and Sediment Yields in Southern Tibetan Plateau, China (Donghong XIONG)
 Policy implications of multiple concurrent soil erosion processes in European farmland (Pasquale Borrelli)
 Soil organic matter losses: d13C to disentangle erosion and decomposition (Yakov Kuzyakov)
 Soil Erosion and Riverine Sediment over the Tibetan Plateau (Fan ZHANG)
 Recent sediment budget changes in a large high mountainous drainage basin (Khawaja Faran Ali)
 Glacial erosion and GLOFs exacerbate riverine sediment (Yong NIE)
 Impact of river-bed freeze-thaw process on bed load sediment transport (Le WANG)
 Quantitative attribution of riverine sediment to hydrological, cryospheric and vegetation effects (Xiaonan SHI )
 Numerical simulation of morphodynamic processes of braided pattern in the Yarlung Zangbo River (Jian SUN)
 Sediment sources tracing in the high erodible watershed of the Northern Loess Plateau (Guangju ZHAO)
 Watershed sediment and nutrient process on the Loess Plateau (Guoce XU)
 Soil erosion quantification in the crisscross region of the Chinese Loess Plateau using radionuclide tracing (Jiaqiong ZHANG)
 Source apportionment of eroded soil organic matter on the Loess Plateau of China (Chun LIU)
 Effects of soil and water conservation measures on flood process under extreme rainstorms (Jianqiao HAN)


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