UNESCO & China to enhance human capacities and promoting water cooperation in Africa
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2022-03-30

Since 1997 the World Water Forum (WWF) has been organized every three years by the World Water Council with the aim to catalyze collective action regarding water issues and to provide a platform for the international water community and key decision makers to collaborate on this subject.

The ninth edition of the World Water Forum held from the 21 and 26 March 2022 in Dakar, Senegal, bringing people from all around the world, and from water-related sectors, such as academics, civil society, policy makers, utilities, among others.

During March 22nd the side-event “Enhancing capacities and water cooperation in Africa - MWR, China-UNESCO-Africa” took place at the World Water Forum. Dr. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Assistant Director-General for Natural Science at  UNESCO, opened the event highlighting the challenges that Africa encounters when facing water disasters, such as floods and droughts, and emphasized on the need to enhance human capacities to be able to face these water related natural hazards. She further mentioned the richness of the cooperation between UNESCO, China, and Africa to address water challenges in countries of the continent.

Mr. Li Guoying, Minister of Water Resources of China, remarked on the traditional bond between China and Africa and recalled the UNESCO’s Memorandum of Understanding between both countries, which embraces a Water Partnership through which technical cooperation in water resources management, disaster prevention and mitigation, and climate change adaptation is being developed.

The Secretariat of the African Ministers' Council on Water:(AMCOW) further stressed the importance of the importance of water security and sanitation in Africa. And that the expectations of the Water Cooperation shall support the achievement of sustainable development in water issues. AMCOW’s spokesman further explained that the Cooperation will bring enhancement of human capacities on water issues and strengthen water resources assessment through the understanding of the hydrogeological context in the region.

The strengthening cooperation between China and Africa, on water falls within objectives of the 9th phase of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO which is to run from 2022 to 2029 with the main thematic focus being Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environment”: which is to boost international scientific cooperation among Member States.

More information:

World Water Forum: https://www.worldwaterforum.org/en 

UNESO-China-Africa Cooperation:  https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-and-china-join-hands-africa-0

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024): https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/2649_665393/202112/t20211202_10461183.html  

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: http://www.focac.org/eng/


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