ISI Advisory Group online meeting convened to discuss ISI’s role in IHP-IX (2022-2029)
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2022-04-20


On April 14, 2022, an ISI Advisory Group online meeting was organized using Microsoft Teams, to discuss ISI’s role in IHP-IX (2022-2029). Participants from the Advisory Group in the meeting included Prof. Manfred Spreafico (ISI Advisory Group Chair), Prof. Des. Walling (ISI Advisory Group Member), Prof. Cheng Liu (ISI Technical Secretariat), and Dr. Anil Mishra & Dr. Koen Verbist representing UNESCO-IHP Secretariat. Dr. Ying Zhao from IRTCES and Ms. Paulina Marcela Ramirez Quevedo from UNESCO-IHP also participated in the meeting.

First, Dr. Koen Verbist, from IHP secretariat, who now coordinating ISI instead of Dr. Anil Mishra, and Dr. Ying Zhao, who is a new contact person from IRTCES, were welcomed. Prof. Cheng Liu provided a brief summary of ISI activities and the ISI Technical Secretariat within IRTCES. Dr. Koen Verbist reported on institutional developments related to the UNESCO IHP, the upcoming 25th IHP Council meeting and the new framework for the planning, implementation and monitoring of IHP Flagship Initiatives. Streamlining ISI to fit the new Flagship Programme guidelines, and ISI’s role in IHP-IX (2022-2029) were discussed.

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