The World River Happiness Report 2021 launched
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: 中国水科院 Updated: 2022-03-28

The World River Happiness Report 2021 (hereafter referred to as “Report”), compiled by IWHR research team, was launched on March 22, 2022, the World Water Day.

The World River Happiness Report 2021

The research was conducted to inspect the performance of the world’s 15 major rivers in maintaining flood control security, providing reliable water resources, constituting livable water environment, boosting healthy aquatic ecosystem, generating prosperous water culture. The research findings are expected to assist policy makers in water-related decision-making and management, as well as raise public awareness in watershed protection.

The research team used the River Happiness Index (RHI), which is derived from “River of Happiness” it conceptualized -- a “River of Happiness” is a river that maintains its own health, supports the sustainable socio-economic development of the basin and the region, allows harmony between man and water, and brings a high sense of security, gain and satisfaction to the people in the watershed – to give each of the 15 rivers thorough evaluations. The RHI consists of five primary indicators, namely Security of Flood Control, Reliability of Water Resources, Livability of Water Environment, Health of Aquatic Ecosystem, and Prosperity of Water Culture.

In 2020, the research team first applied the RHI and the calculation methods in the evaluation of major rivers and lakes in China. Based on the research outcomes, the Happiness Report of Rivers and Lakes in China was released in 2021, reaping positive feedbacks from the society.

The analyses of world rivers reveal that most of them yield “medium” of happiness. Only the Rhine is graded as “happy” with the highest score of 86.6, while the other 14 rivers are all graded as “medium”. Specifically, the happiness of the St. Lawrence, Thames, Colorado, Yangtze and Mississippi are graded as “medium high”; the happiness of the Danube, Volga, Yellow, Murray-Darling, Amazon and Congo are graded as “medium”; and the happiness of the Euphrates-Tigris, Ganges and Nile are graded as “medium low”.

Scores of the 15 rivers

The launch ceremony of the Report was jointly hosted by IWHR, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and China Water & Power Press. Distinguished guests expressed their congratulations on the launch of the Report and expectations for a future where humans and rivers co-exist in harmony.

Launch ceremony of the Report

Check the Report Abstract for more research findings: World River Happiness Report 2021-Abstract.pdf

 World River Happiness Report 2021-Abstract.pdf

(Source: IWHR)

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