IWHR supporting the 2nd Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Forum by co-organizing two technical sessions
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: 中国水科院 Updated: 2021-12-28

The 2nd Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Forum was successfully convened from December 7 to 8, 2021 in an online and offline combined manner. IWHR provided a strong support to this forum by co-organizing two technical sessions.

The schedule of this forum covers an opening ceremony attended by the water ministers of the Lancang Mekong countries and five subsequent themed technical sessions. On the afternoon of December 7, IWHR co-organized the session 4 on “IWRM and Climate Change Adaptation” together with Office of the National Water Resources of Thailand. Dr. PENG Jing, IWHR Vice President and Dr. Somkiat Apipattanacis, Director of the Water Resources Technology and Innovation Center of Thailand, addressed the session. Over 100 participants from the six riparian countries and several international organizations gathered for the session physically or virtually.

In her opening remarks, Dr. PENG Jing noted that climate change is dramatically affecting the water cycle, making droughts and floods more extreme and frequent. It is an imperative task for mankind to address the stark water resources challenges brought by climate change. IWRM, as an important tool to implement the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, has been widely adopted by countries around the world. IWHR is willing to cooperate with Mekong countries and relevant international organizations to improve IWRM and promote water security and development in the Lancang-Mekong region.

Dr. Somkiat Apipattanacis pointed out that climate change has directly impacted the economic development and the ecological environment in Lancang-Mekong countries. Integrating the policies of IWRM with those of climate change management has become a consensus. This forum provides a great platform for six countries to enhance dialogue and cooperation on IWRM and climate change adaptation.

Representatives from Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam as well as Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Global Water Partnership (GWP) Southeast Asia made presentations or got involved in the panel discussions of the session, sharing respective experiences and opinions on policies, mechanisms, tools, technologies and platforms that integrate IWRM with climate change adaptation.

On November 8, IWHR co-organized the Session 5 on “Rural Area, Water Conservancy and Livelihood Improvement”. Dr. PENG Jing, IWHR Vice President and Mr. Klok Sam Ang, Director of Department of Planning and International Cooperation of MOWRAM, addressed the session.


Dr. PENG Jing pointed out that livelihood improvement is a main focus in Lancang-Mekong Cooperation. Enabling access to drinking water supply, water-saving irrigation and other water services is essential to the survival and development of the rural communities. As the six Lancang-Mekong countries are bounded by a same stretch of water and share kindred feelings like brothers and sisters, it is our common responsibility to improve the regional rural livelihoods via water governance. Dr. PENG expressed the willingness of IWHR to cooperate with other riparian countries and get inspiration from each other, in a bid to advance regional water governance, improve people’s well-being, and promote shared regional prosperity.


Mr. Klok Sam Ang underlined the shared focus on water issues in rural areas, which is a decisive factor for improving water and sanitation and protecting the vulnerable groups in the region. He applauded the opening of this forum on which discussions can be made on future win-win cooperation on rural water resources development and livelihoods improvement.


The presenters from the water government agencies of all six Lancang-Mekong countries, International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID), UNICEF, and the China Center for International Economic Exchange discussed on diverse stakeholders in the areas of water and sanitation, water-saving irrigation, and river ecosystem restoration, etc.


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