Papers Published in the International Journal of Sediment Research Volume 37, No. 1, 2022
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2021-11-03

Volume 37, Issue 1 Pages 1-138 (February 2022)


Response of Reynolds stresses and scaling behavior of high-order structure functions to a water-worked gravel-bed surface and its implication on sediment transport

Nadia Penna, Ellora Padhi, Subhasish Dey, Roberto Gaudio

Pages 1-13


Sediment transport simulation and design optimization of a novel marsh shoreline protection technology using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling

Salman Sakib, Grant Besse, Peng Yin, Daniel Gang, Donald Hayes

Pages 14-25


Thermal stability of soil organic carbon subjected to water erosion as a function of edaphic factors

Zhongwu Li, Linhui Xiao, Chuxiong Deng, Zaijian Yuan, ... Xiaodong Nie

Pages 26-36


Improved bridge pier collar for reducing scour

Christopher Valela, Colin David Rennie, Ioan Nistor

Pages 37-46


An improved formula for incipient sediment motion in vegetated open channel flows

Xiang Wang, Wenxin Huai, Zhixian Cao

Pages 47-53


Impacts of land use and land cover changes on hydrological processes and sediment yield determined using the SWAT model

Edivaldo Afonso de Oliveira Serr?o, Madson Tavares Silva, Thomás Rocha Ferreira, Lorena Concei??o Paiva de Ataide, ... Denis José Cardoso Gomes

Pages 54-69


Heavy mineral composition and texture of the recently formed fluvial delta sediment of Lake Nasser/Nubia, Egypt and Sudan

Omran E. Frihy, Essam A. Deabes, Abdelaleem A. Abudia, Ahamed Adawi

Pages 70-82


Spatial distribution, source apportionment, and associated risks of trace metals (As, Pb, Cr, Cd, and Hg) from a subtropical river, Gomti, Bangladesh

Abu Sayeed Shafiuddin Ahmed, Mohammad Belal Hossain, Saad Mohammad Omar Faruque Babu, Moshiur Rahman, ... Mohammad Shafiqul Islam Sarker

Pages 83-96


Sediment dynamics in the mudbank of the Yangtze River Estuary under regime shift of source and sink

Dai Zhang, Weiming Xie, Jian Shen, Leicheng Guo, ... Qing He

Pages 97-109


Characterizing and identifying bedforms in the wandering reach of the lower Yellow River

Yuanfeng Zhang, Ping Wang, Guanqing Shen

Pages 110-121


Swimming behavior of juvenile silver carp near the separation zone of a channel confluence

Saiyu Yuan, Lei Xu, Hongwu Tang, Yang Xiao, Colin Whittaker

Pages 122-127


Abiotic predictors of fine sediment accumulation in lowland rivers

Morwenna McKenzie, Judy England, Ian D.L. Foster, Martin A. Wilkes

Pages 128-137


Full papers are available at ScienceDirect: with free access to the papers.

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