Contents of ISWCR (Vol. 9, No.1, 2021)
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2021-03-25




Evaluation of soil erosion risk and identification of soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE in European vineyards with different soil management

M. Biddoccu, G. Guzmán, G. Capello, T. Thielke, ... J.A. Gómez

Pages 337-353


Assessing spatial variability and erosion susceptibility of soils in hilly agricultural areas in Southern Italy

Carmen Maria Rosskopf, Erika Di Iorio, Luana Circelli, Claudio Colombo, Pietro P.C. Aucelli

Pages 354-362


Impacts of horizontal resolution and downscaling on the USLE LS factor for different terrains

Chunmei Wang, Linxin Shan, Xin Liu, Qinke Yang, ... Guowei Pang

Pages 363-372


Effect of time resolution of rainfall measurements on the erosivity factor in the USLE in China

Tianyu Yue, Yun Xie, Shuiqing Yin, Bofu Yu, ... Wenting Wang

Pages 373-382


The use of remote sensing to detect the consequences of erosion in gypsiferous soils

Maria Jose Marques, Ana Alvarez, Pilar Carral, Blanca Sastre, Ramón Bienes

Pages 383-392


Assessment of deforestation impact on soil erosion in loess formation using 137Cs method (case study: Golestan Province, Iran)

Mohammadreza Gharibreza, Mohammad Zaman, Paolo Porto, Emil Fulajtar, ... Hossein Eisaei

Pages 393-405


Integrated nuclear techniques for sedimentation assessment in Latin American region

José Luis Peralta Vital, Reinaldo Honorio Gil Castillo, Yanna Llerena Padrón, Yusleidy Milagro Cordovi Miranda, ... Leroy Alonso Pino

Pages 406-409


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