2020-2021 World Large River and Delta Systems Source-to-Sink Online Talk Series
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2020-08-25

Source-To-Sink Twitter account (@sourcetosink) and web page: https://twitter.com/SourceToSink

Global River & Delta Source to Sink Data Center

Zoom link:    https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/6167058485

Zoom ID    616-705-8485

Tencent Meeting( 腾讯会议): https://meeting.tencent.com/s/YN3YFwL9hxIw

Tencent ID:747 1357 8392


Time:     Wednesdays     US Eastern 9:00 am;    London 2:00 pm;     Pairs 3:00 pm;    Beijing: 9:00 pm      
Sydney, Australia 11:00 pm                                                                                   
                  (some Fridays)
(45-min talk +10-15 min Q&A)

Each presentation will be real-time streamed to S2S YouTube Channel  

S2S YouTube Channel:    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPQZBGhL7SNGJ2IeVCusT8Q

or live stream channel, or: https://tinyurl.com/source2sink

You are encouraged to watch and participate the live talks via YouTube live channel, because the Zoom meeting could be full quickly

Twitter (@SourceToSink): https://twitter.com/SourceToSink 

updated version:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15MjYSQDJcF4M25ckG2vrHy_68F3iyL0zqbG0UTLyFhA/edit#gid=0

Date Speaker Institution Title Speaker's website Abstract YouTube video link Bilibili video link 中国大陆
8/5 Paul Liu (host) Dept of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University Opening and Introduction: Fluxes and Fates of Global River's Water and Sediment Discharges to the Sea http://www.meas.ncsu.edu/sealevel/ https://youtu.be/W7w-z_ZAcEc https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bz4y1Q7jB/
8/12 Jim Best Departments of Geology, Geography and Geographic Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The nature and pace of anthropogenically-induced change within the world's large rivers https://geology.illinois.edu/directory/profile/jimbest https://youtu.be/JCTWEgm5x8Q https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PK411T7k1
8/19 Liz Chamberlain Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Vanderbilt University
Dating deltas: Geochronologic theory and examples from the Mississippi and Ganges-Brahmaputra https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=S-OSphoAAAAJ&hl=en https://youtu.be/FMo5zhCYkfg https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1r64y1c7oA/
8/26 Hansj?rg Seybold Department of Environmental Systems Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Controls of channel networks from the source to the sink https://usys.ethz.ch/en/people/profile.MTM3ODcy.TGlzdC82MzcsMzIwMTk3MjIy.html https://youtu.be/_7UaGzGaGnk
9/2 Irina Overeem Department of Geological Sciences, INSTAAR University of Colorado Greenland's Sediment Flux; filling a white spot on global sediment flux map https://instaar.colorado.edu/people/irina-overeem/
9/4 (Fri.)
9/9 Jaap Nienhuis School of Geosciences
Utrecht University
Global view of river delta morphology and its relevance between sediment source and sink jhnienhuis.github.io
9/11, Fri Uri Schattner Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Haifa, Israel Hierarchy of source-to-sink systems - example from the Nile distribution across the eastern Mediterranean. https://marsci.haifa.ac.il/index.php/en/staff/geo-faculty/165-uschattner
9/16 Robert Nicholls Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research,University of East Anglia Deltas in the Anthropocene https://people.uea.ac.uk/robert_nicholls/publications
* 9/18(Fri) Edgardo Latrubesse Nanyang Technological University-Singapore Continental sediment sources, sinks, and the human factor in large tropical rivers: the case of South America. https://www.earthobservatory.sg/people/edgardo-latrubesse
9/23 Houjie Wang Ocean University of China Flux, fate and transport of Yellow River-derived sediment in the sea
9/25, Fri Jai Syvitski Department of Geological Sciences, INSTAAR University of Colorado The Anthropocene: Source to Sink studies contribute to Earth System Science https://www.colorado.edu/geologicalsciences/jai-syvitski
9/30 Edward Tipper Dept Earth Sciences,
University of Cambridge
World large river carbon fluxes https://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/directory/edward-tipper
*10/2 Fri. Edward Anthony CEREGE, France River deltas and alongshore sediment fluxes: the examples of the Amazon, Mekong, Irrawaddy and Niger deltas https://www.cerege.fr/en/users/edward-anthony
10/7 Albert J. Kettner, INSTAAR, CSDMS, Univ. of Colorado Changes in global sediment flux https://instaar.colorado.edu/people/albert-j-kettner/
10/9, Fri
10/14 Steve A. Kuehl Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William and Mary At the Mouths of Giants: A Synthesis of Processes Affecting Sediment and Carbon Delivery and Preservation off the Amazon, Ganges-Brahmaputra and Ayeyarwady-Thanlwin Rivers https://www.vims.edu/people/kuehl_sa/index.php
* 10/16(Fri) Rebecca Caldwell Chevron Energy Technology Company A global delta dataset and the environmental variables that predict delta formation on marine coastlines https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4QUpowUAAAAJ&hl=en
10/21 Zhisheng AN, Yu LIU, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Recent anthropogenic curtailing of Yellow River runoff and sediment load is unprecedented over the past 500 yr http://english.ieecas.cn/
10/23, Fri Luca Colombera School of Earth and Environment,University of Leeds, Geological significance and source-to-sink controls on deltaic parasequences https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/see/staff/1210/dr-luca-colombera
10/28 Philip S. J. Minderhoud Padova University | Dept, of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering; Utrecht University |Physical Geography Subsidence in deltas, their causes and environmental implications https://www.uu.nl/staff/PSJMinderhoud/Profile
10/30, Fri Robert Aller School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
Tropical deltas as diagenetic systems: C processing, suboxic remineralization, and reverse weathering processes.
11/4 Pete Talling Departments of Earth Sciences and Geography, University of Durham, U.K. How do turbidity currents form the largest sediment accumulations on Earth - first detailed direct monitoring at global test sites. https://www.dur.ac.uk/geography/staff/geogstaffhidden/?id=15221
*11/6 (Fri.) Dave DeMaster Dept of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University Radiochemistry and flow dynamics in world's large eastuaries and deltas. https://cmast.ncsu.edu/people/demaster/
11/11 Alaa Salem Geological Sciences Department
Kafrelsheikh University, EGYPT
Human Impacts on Nile River Delta-- Delta subsidence and coastal erosion
11/13 (Fri) Sam Bentley, Louisiana State University Review Mississippi River Source to Sink
11/18 Kevin Xu Dept of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University Dispersal of Mississippi and Atchafalaya Sediment on the Louisiana Shelf https://www.lsu.edu/cce/research/faculty_profiles/kehui_xu.php
11/20, Fri Courtney Harris Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William and Mary
11/25 Frances Dunn, & Stephen E. Darby Utrecht, University of Southampton Fluvial sediment supply to the world’s river deltas: How it’s changing and why it matters https://www.southampton.ac.uk/geography/about/staff/sed.page
12/2 Steve Goodbred Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vanderbilt University, steven.goodbred@Vanderbilt.Edu Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Delta: 25 Years of Unexpected Results https://www.vanderbilt.edu/ees/people/faculty/StevenGoodbred.php
12/9 Mead A. Allison Dept of River-Coastal Science and Engineering, Tulane University How much Mississippi River Sand Reaches the Ocean: Insights from Louisiana’s Diversion Planning https://sse.tulane.edu/eens/faculty/allison
12/16 Jingping Xu Southern University of Science and Technology Monterey, Gaoping, and SCS Canyons http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/xujp/en/
1/13/2021 Chuck Nittrouer UW Amazon Sediment Transport and Accumulation along the Continuum of Mixed Fluvial and Marine Processes https://www.ocean.washington.edu/home/Charles_Nittrouer
1/20/2021 Shouye Yang Tongji University Revisit the sediment routing processes of the Changjiang River
1/27/2021 Witold Szczuciński Institute of Geology
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
2/3/21 Dano Roelvink IHE Delft Numerical modeling of decadal, large-scale evolution of deltas. https://www.un-ihe.org/dano-roelvink
2/10/21 Tom S. Bianchi Dept. of Geological Sciences
University of Florida
Carbon Remineralization and Burial in the Coastal Margin: Linkages in the Anthropocene? http://bianchilab.wordpress.com/
2/17/21 Liviu Giosan Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Resilience vs. luck: An environmental history of the Danube delta
2/24/21 Xixi Lu Department of Geography
National University of Singapore
3/3/2021 David Mohrig Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/researcher/david_mohrig/
3/10/2021 Hugh Sinclair The University of Edinburgh How mountain processes determine downstream sediment routing in the Himalaya-Ganga system
3/17/21 Clinton S. Willson Center for River Studies
Louisiana State University
Movable Bed Physical Modeling for Regional Sand Management in the Lowermost Mississippi River
3/24/21 Sagy Cohen Department of Geography, Surface Dynamics Modeling Lab
The University of Alabama
3/31/21 Yoshiki Saito Estuary Research Center (EsReC), Shimane University, Japan Holocene delta evolution in response to sea-level changes and coastal settings: Lessons from deltas in Asia. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lDUsOOUAAAAJ
4/7/2021 Andrea Ogston UW Sediment-transport processes from tidal river to off-shelf dispersal: examples from source-to-sink studies around the globe
4/14/2021 Emily Wei, Neal Driscoll St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, USGS; Scripps Inst of Oceanography Fly River Derived Sediments in the Gulf of Papua
4/21/2021 Stefano Patruno University of Nicosia, Cyprus Clinoforms and clinoform systems: Review and dynamic classification scheme for shorelines, subaqueous deltas, shelf edges and continental margins
4/28/2021 Natalia Venturini Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Montevideo, Uruguay Organic and inorganic geochemical indicators of environmental concern along the Río de la Plata Estuary

Contact:    Prof. Paul Liu, jpliu@ncsu.edu    http://www.meas.ncsu.edu/sealevel/  


(Source: https://meas.ncsu.edu/sealevel/s2s/talks.html)

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