On July 22, 2020, an ISI Advisory Group online meeting was organized using Microsoft Teams to discuss ISI activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants in the meeting included Prof. Manfred Spreafico (Switzerland, ISI Advisory Group Chair), Prof. Des. Walling (UK, ISI Advisory Group Member), Prof. Cheng Liu (China, ISI Technical Secretariat), and Dr. Anil Mishra and Mr. Olivier Lippens from the UNESCO-IHP Secretariat.
Dr. Anil Mishra reported on institutional developments related to the UNESCO IHP, and recent online activities of the IHP. Prof. Cheng Liu reported the finalizing of the renewal of the agreement between UNESCO and the Chinese Government on IRTCES and reviewed recent IRTCES activities. Future ISI activities, COVID-19 impacts and possible options for organizing ISI activities within current constraints were discussed at the meeting.