Contribution of Engineering and Technology in gathering information on COVID-19
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2020-05-21

The International Knowledge Centre of Engineering, Science and Technology (IKCEST), under the auspices of UNESCO, is a UNESCO Category II Centre created in 2013, that concentrates on computing and big data. To gather and correlate the different information about the coronavirus, IKCEST created a dedicated platform that was officially launched on February 14, 2020. This video explains the platform and its use.

The column COVID-19 Prevention and Control:

  • focuses on information in terms of six aspects, namely Policy and Regulations, News and Measures, Experts Viewpoints, Science Express, Science Popularization, and Citizen Stories, sharing with the world in real time the epidemic information, research progress, as well as prevention and control measures and experience;

  • displays global cumulative curves of confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries and the growth rate of these numbers over time, and provides real-time data of cure rate and mortality;

  • provides recorded courses presented by leading medical professionals and scholars in China, as well as resources from Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) databases;

  • analyses public opinion by integrating the social media analytics and GIS methods.

Enjoy exploring the site!


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  • 聚焦政策法规、动态举措、专家观点、科技快报、科普频道和百姓故事六大版块,向世界实时共享疫情信息、研究进展和防控措施经验;

  • 实时展示全球确诊、死亡、治愈病例及确诊增长率随时间的变化曲线;

  • 提供中国顶尖的医学专家学者录制的课程及循证医学(简称“EBM”)数据库的资源;

  • 通过整合社交媒体分析和地理信息系统(简称“GIS”)方法分析公众舆情。


(Source: UNESCO Beijing)



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