Papers Published in the International Journal of Sediment Research Volume 35, No. 3, 2020
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2020-03-30

Papers Published in the International Journal of Sediment Research Volume 35, No. 3, 2020

Pages 227–314 (June 2020)



Spatial analysis of bacteria in brackish lake sediment

Jean-Sebastien Beaulne, Samir R. Mishra, Mrutyunjay Suar, Ananta Narayan Panda, ... Timothy M. Vogel

Pages 227-236


Numerical modeling of local scour due to submerged wall jets using a strict vertex-based, terrain conformal, moving-mesh technique in OpenFOAM

Xiaohui Yan, Abdolmajid Mohammadian, Colin D. Rennie

Pages 237-248


Analysis of the conductive behavior of a simplified sediment system and its computational simulation

Zhengjin Weng, Zhiwei Zhao, Yong Fang, Helong Jiang, Wei Lei

Pages 249-255


Experimental study on the effects of artificial bed roughness on turbidity currents over abrupt bed slope change

Sara Baghalian, Masoud Ghodsian

Pages 256-268


Metals content in sediments of ephemeral streams with small reservoirs (the Negev Desert)

Ma?gorzata Kijowska-Struga?a, ?ukasz Wiejaczka, Rafa? Koz?owski, Judith Lekach

Pages 269-277


Numerical modeling of scour and deposition around permeable cylindrical structures

Jiajia Pan, Zhiguo He, Wurong Shih, Niansheng Cheng

Pages 278-286


Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of humic substances from sediment and riparian soil of a highly polluted urban river (Suquía River, Córdoba, Argentina)

Carolina Merlo, Carolina Vázquez, Ana Graciela Iriarte, Carlos Matías Romero

Pages 287-294


Three-dimensional simulation of horseshoe vortex and local scour around a vertical cylinder using an unstructured finite-volume technique

Wei Zhang, Miguel Uh Zapata, Xin Bai, Damien Pham-Van-Bang, Kim Dan Nguyen

Pages 295-306


Comparison of the sediment composition in relation to basic chemical, physical, and geological factors

Witold Reczyński, Katarzyna Szar?owicz, Ma?gorzata Jakubowska, Peter Bitusik, Barbara Kubica

Pages 307-314


Full papers are available at ScienceDirect: with free access to the paper abstracts.

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