Papers Published in the International Journal of Sediment Re...WASWAC: The second International Youth Forum of Soil and Wat...Contents of ISWCR (Vol. 6, No.4, 2018)
ISI International Training Workshop on Integrated Sediment Management in River Basins will be held in Beijing
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成Source: Updated: 2018-07-12

The ISI International Training Workshop on Integrated Sediment Management in River Basins will be held in Beijing, China from November 5-10, 2018. This represents a major ISI activity for 2018. It fulfils the objectives of the new strategy of ISI, which in turn contributes towards the 8th phase of IHP (2014-2021) which has the title “Water security: responses to local, regional and global challenges” by addressing the wide-ranging social, economic and environmental impacts of erosion, sediment transport and sedimentation processes with due consideration of gender perspectives.

The five day training workshop will include lectures, seminars, and a one-day field visit. Topics to be covered include river basin management, soil and water conservation technology, ecology and restoration in integrated river basin management, reservoir sedimentation and sediment management technology. Participants will contribute to a seminar involving guided discussion of national case study presentations prepared by participants in advance of the Workshop. .

Participants will be nominated by UNESCO field offices in consultation with the IHP Secretariat. Additional participants, including participants from China, will be encouraged to attend the training course without financial support from the organizers.


Updated information about the workshop will be provided on the ISI website at .
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