Audrey Azoulay named as Director-General of UNESCO
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成Source: UNESCOUpdated: 2017-11-13

Paris, 10 November—On November 10th, the General Conference of UNESCO named Audrey Azoulay (France) to the post of UNESCO Director-General. Ms Azoulay was nominated on 13 October to succeed outgoing Director-General Irina Bokova (Bulgaria) by UNESCO's Executive Board.


The President of the 39th session of the General Conference Zohour Alaoui, congratulated the new Director-General at the end of a vote that endorsed the choice of the Executive Board.

联合国教科文组织第39届大会主席Zohour Alaoui在选举结束之时——即执行局的表决生效之际——祝贺了新任的总干事。

“I now think of all the people I met in recent months, or had met in my various professional capacities, who have great expectations from UNESCO,” declared Ms Azoulay to the General Conference. “I think of UNESCO’s mandate, which is strikingly modern. I think of all of you who are aware of the difficulties of the Organization but who know that it is irreplaceable, that it is essential, in facing current global challenges and who aspire to the unity and serenity necessary to let it exercise its mandate to best effect.”

“如今我想到我最近几个月遇到的所有人,或者那些以我的各种专业背景所见过的、对联合国教科文组织抱有诸多期许的人,”阿祖莱女士向大会表述: “联合国教科文组织的使命正变得现代化。我相信大家都了解组织正在经历的困难,但也坚信,这个组织是不可替代的。在面对全球挑战之际,它的作用至关重要。它将一如既往,为促进团结与安宁而努力,最大程度实现它的使命。”

Born in 1972, Ms Azoulay was France’s Minister of Culture and Communication from February 2016 to May 2017. She has occupied senior positions in France’s public broadcasting sector and then served as rapporteur to France’s public auditing authority, the Cour des compte, and as a European Commission legislative expert on issues of culture and the media. Ms Azoulay served France’s National Cinema Centre (CNC), first as Deputy Audiovisual Director, then as Director of Financial and Legal Affairs, and finally as Deputy Director-General. She is a graduate of the Ecole National d’Administration and the Paris Institut d’études politiques. Ms Azoulay also holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Lancaster (UK).

阿祖莱女士出生于1972年,在2016年2月至2017年5月期间出任法国文化部长。她在法国公共广播部门担任过高级职务,之后担任法国公共审计机关——法国审计法院的报告人,并担任欧洲委员会文化和媒体问题立法专家。阿祖莱女士曾任职于法国国家电影中心(CNC),先后担任了视听部门副主任、财务和法律事务主任以及副总干事。她毕业于法国国家行政学院和巴黎政治学院。 阿祖莱女士还取得了兰卡斯特大学(英国)工商管理硕士学位。

Ms Azoulay is the 11th Director-General of UNESCO and the second woman to occupy this position. She will take office on 15 November.


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