IV Ibero-American Congress on Sediments and Ecology (Costa Rica, August 5-9, 2024)
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2022-08-05

Date: August 5-9, 2024

Venue: University of Costa Rica, Turrialba Campus, Costa Rica

Organizers: University of Costa Rica (UCR), Unesco IHP(LAC), International Sediment Initiative (ISI-LAC),  Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA), Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), International Association for Erosion Control and Sediments-Ibero America(IECA-IA), Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) and Costa Rican Association of Soil Science (ACCS).

Sponsors: Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR)

ary: Our events are characterized by attracting academics and professionals in general related to sediment and erosion issues in the Latin American and Caribbean region. This is an eminently technical event where participants will be able to learn about best practices, share experiences, strengthen professional ties, and maintain a level of training on current topics related to erosion, sedimentation, and sediment-related ecology. Not only you will experience a high-class professional event, but you will also have the opportunity to explore the natural and cultural richness of Costa Rica. Together we will make this congress a success, and we look forward to meeting you there. Sincerely, organizing committee.

Topics for the Congress

  • Sediments and climate change
  • Sediment transport Environmental, social, and legislative perspective
  • Management and remediation of contaminated sediments
  • Sediment monitoring and characterization
  • Hydraulic works and water-sediment interaction Disaster prevention
  • Sediments, ecology, and water quality
  • Watershed management Morphology in rivers and water bodies
  • Dating and historical reconstruction of sediment processes 
  • Sediments as vectors of pollutant transport Nature-based solutions

 URL:  https://congresosedimentos2024.ucr.ac.cr/

Phone: +506 2511 9225

Monday to Friday - 08:00 to 16:00 Costa Rican time UTC-6

Email: cise.iberoamericano@gmail.com

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