9th Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering - Coastlab24 (Delft, the Netherlands, May 13-26, 2024)
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2022-05-13

Date: May 13-26, 2024

Venue: Delft, the Netherlands

Summary: The 9th Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering - Coastlab24 will be held in May 13, 2024 to May, 16 2024. Welcome to join in! The following is the detailed introduction: CoastLab is a conference whose focus is on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering and Science.  CoastLab is organized under the auspices of and in collaboration with the Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics Committee of the International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).  Coastlab24 builds on the success of previous conferences in Porto (2006), Bari (2008), Barcelona (2010), Ghent (2012), Varna (2014), Ottawa (2016), Santander (2018) and Zhoushan (2020).

Theme and Topics: In the coastal zone, many developments are taking place, with much attention to themes like:

? Climate change impacts, adaptation, mitigation

? Multifunctional and nature-inclusive designs

? Development of ports and marine terminals

? Wave, wind and tidal energy

? Industrial outfalls

To cater for these developments continuous development in modelling capabilities is required, in topics such as:

? Coastal hydrodynamics, coastal processes

?Coastal flooding, flood prevention, shore protection

?Coastal and ocean structures, breakwaters, revetments

? Scour, sediment transport, morphology

? Wave-structure interactions, loading, response

? Wave run-up and overtopping

? Laboratory technologies, measurement systems

?Synoptic measurement systems (e.g. laser scanning, imaging, motion tracking, Particle Image Velocimetry)

? Coastal field measurement and monitoring

? Wave synthesis, generation, and analysis

? Scale effects and uncertainty analysis

? Composite modelling and validation (physical, numerical, field, and AI)

? Extreme events – assessment and mitigation

? Tsunami hydrodynamics, impacts, and mitigation

? Mixing, water quality

? Physical modelling case studies

? Navigation, ship motions

Presentations will be given, and discussions will be held about these topics. The programme includes PhD workshops, welcome reception, technical tour plus banquest, and optional post conference tour. Moreover, an exhibition with companies and suppliers will be present.

Key dates:

Early-bird registration deadline 15 January 2024

Abstract submission deadline 1 September 2023

Notification acceptance 15 October 2023

Full paper submission deadline 15 December 2023

Conference 13-16 May 2024

URL: https://coastlab24.dryfta.com/

Leaflet: https://iahr.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/upload/file/20230620/1687249499911425.pdf

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