ISI – Training Workshop on ‘River Basin Sediment Monitoring and Management’ (Koblenz, German, September 7-11, 2020)
Author: isi网站管理员-刘成 Source: Updated: 2018-09-07
Date: September 7 – 11, 2020

Venue: Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany

Organizer: International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change under the auspices of UNESCO, German Federal Institute of Hydrology

Co-sponsors: International Sediment Initiative–IHP–UNESCO, International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sediment Research (IRTCES).

Summary: The workshop on River Basin Sediment Monitoring and Management focuses on training and capacity building with a particular attention:

  • on monitoring sediment dynamics in relation to (planned) river management or reservoir measures,
  • on evaluation of monitoring results in terms of impact analysis and management and
  • on communication and outreach of expert knowledge on sediment dynamics to support sustainable sediment management solutions, which highlight the need for integrated river basin management plans.

Major questions of the WS will be: What are main technical issues in sediment monitoring programs and how to cope with them? How simple/complex do we need to measure (e.g. simple flux measure to complex sediment budget) to provide empirical evidences for the specific management solution?

The workshop aims to provide knowledge on sediment measurement and monitoring, how to transfer measurement and monitoring results to management solution, how to improve current sediment management strategies to find sustainable solution and how to evolve from local river management to integrated landscape management. Although we will focus on inland waters, we also want to highlight possible impacts on downstream areas, including estuaries and coastal zones.

After a general introduction to the topic (1st day), the participants will conduct hands-on workshops on monitoring techniques and data analysis (2nd and 3rd day). During a field trip at the River Rhine, the participants will be introduced to various sensors and techniques for measuring suspended sediment characteristics and loads. On subsequent days the field data will be analyzed by the workshop participates. Their results will be presented in a best-practice guide on suspended sediment monitoring (4th day). Additionally, we offer an excursus about data management and data sharing principles in collaboration with the ISI database as well as with the GEMS/Water Data Centre for Water Quality ( (5th day).

Organization & Contact:

Thomas Hoffmann ( and Stephan Dietrich (


Save the Date for Training Workshop on “River Basin Sediment Monitoring and Management”,  September 7 – 11, 2020

20200218_ISI_Save the Date.pdf

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