Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2013-11-02 |
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS The 2nd SFFWS is an ideal forum for researchers, engineers, managers, technicians and students from the scientific and industrial communities from China and France, as well as other countries around the world. Forum Objectives: 1. To establish a forum for discussing and exchanging advanced experience and knowledge within the international research community for developing water sciences; 2. To review the state-of-the-art of the research in water science; 3. To promote international cooperation in water related science and engineering Forum topics: - Water Resources - Hydraulic and Offshore Structures - Waterways, Ports and Ocean Engineering - Sediment Dynamics and Management - Marine Renewable Energy - Environmental Hydrodynamics and Natural Hazard (Tsunami, floods, ? Form and size of the symposium: Opening to the international community Presentation forms: Oral and posters Key-lectures (to be precised) Duration: 2 days with plenary sessions Workshop language: English Forum Perspectives: ?Promote a Sino-French Community for water science research. The activities of such Community would include knowledge exchange, experiences and finding; preparing proposals for new national and international research programmes ?A selection of papers presented in the Forum will be submitted and reviewed for publication in the journal 揕a Houille Blanche?and the European Journal of Mechanics (Part B-Fluids). Important deadlines: ♦ 30th August 2015: abstract submission ♦ 1st October 2015: abstract acceptance Abstract submission: Abstracts (between 200 and 1000 words) should be submitted before August 30, 2015 tosffws2015@unicaen.fr Contact Sylvain Guillou LUSAC/ESIX, University of Caen Guoliang Yu School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Dan Nguyen GIS HEDD Free Registration FLYER |