19th IAHR-APD 2014 Congress (Vietnam, Sep. 21-24, 2014)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2014-09-21

Date:  21 - 24 September 2014

Venue: Water Resources University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Summary: On behalf of the 19th IAHR-APD 2014 Congress, and IAHR, we are delighted to extend our personal invitation to you to join us in Hanoi, Vietnam for the 19th IAHR-APD (IAHR Asian and Pacific Regional Division) 2014 Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).  Water Resources University is collaborating with IAHR to organize the 19th IAHR APD Congress.    The Congress theme "Working globally on water and climate change issues but acting locally" focuses on the central roles of hydraulic engineering, hydrology and water resources, estuarine and coastal engineering, and environmental hydraulics in our changing world, and how these roles link to the broader issues. Water related disaster and climate change are becoming hot issues in many regions of the word and the Pacific Region as well. Careful management and innovative solutions are required and solutions must be able to deal with the uncertainty in the natural world as well as the changing human world.    Hanoi, Vietnam is an attractive destination - a developing city, within close proximity to some of the world's heritage attractions! We look forward to welcoming you to our 19th IAHR-APD 2014 Congress in September 2014 to what we are confident will be the best ever IAHR APD Congress. 

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Kim
Rector of Water Resources University
Chairperson, Local Organizing Committee
19th IAHR-APD 2014 Congress

Host: Water Resources University, Hanoi, Vietnam

URL:  http://iahr-apd2014.wru.edu.vn/


The Secretariat of the IAHR-APD 2014
175 Tay Son, Dong Da, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Phone: +84 - 4- 5638069      Fax: +84 - 4- 5638923
Email: iahr-apd2014@wru.edu.vn

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