From 2013-09-08 to 2013-09-13
Venue: Chengdu, China
Summary: Many global issues such as water and food security involve Africa. Many African countries also have abundant water resources; the sustainable development of these countries involve many challenges and issues in water resources management – ranging from cross‐border issues on the Nile to coastal developments. It is timely for IAHR to be more pro‐active in engaging Africa on global issues such as water and food security. To this end, it is proposed to organize a special seminar on African issues to: (i) initiate a dialogue between IAHR and water researchers and professionals in Africa; (ii) to develop long term academic and professional exchanges between IAHR members and Africa; and (iii) to present opportunities for young researchers to connect to the global community of hydro‐environment experts for scientific capacity building and research collaboration. This is envisioned to be a 2 hour seminar with 8‐10 papers presented by experts on African issues.
Convenor: Prof Mohamed Ghidaoui (Email: