International Workshop of Acoustic and Seismic Monitoring of Bedload and Mass Movements (Switzerlan |
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2013-09-04 |
Date: Sep. 4-7. 2013 Venue: Zürich, Switzerland Summary: The difficulties in directly monitoring traction processes - bedload and mass movements - have prompted research into surrogate monitoring technologies, among which acoustic methods (geophones, hydrophones, ADCPs) are presently most developed, as demonstrated in the 2007 International Bedload Surrogate Monitoring Workshop held in Minneapolis. Since then it is apparent that acoustic techniques have been further developed with increasing interesting results in seismics. Hence, the objectives of this workshop are to (1) present first-hand principles of acoustics and seismics, (2) discuss first-hand signal processing techniques relevant to surrogate monitoring of bedload and mass movements, (3) consider calibration issues, and (4) describe monitoring methods that have been recently developed or improved. Workshop topics will encompass surrogate monitoring of bedload transport (river and coastal), debris flows, snow avalanches, landslides and rock avalanches with acoustic and seismic devices. Invited and submitted presentations will concentrate on research using acoustic and some relevant seismic methods. Oral and poster presentations 4 - 5 Sept. 2013 Field trip 1: Bedload transport and geophone measurements in the Erlenbach 6 Sept. 2013 (Alptal valley, near Zürich) Field trip 2: Debris-flow monitoring installations in the Illgraben (Rhone valley, 7 Sept. 2013 near Sion) Organizers: Dieter Rickenmann (WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland), dieter.rickenmann@wsl.ch Jonathan Laronne (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), john@bgu.ac.il Jens Turowski (WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland), jens.turowski@wsl.ch Damia Vericat (University of Lleida, Spain), dvericat@macs.udl.cat URL: http://www.wsl.ch/dienstleistungen/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/bedload_massmovements/index_EN Contact: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL Carlos R. Wyss Zürcherstrasse 111 8903 Birmensdorf Tel: +41 44 7392 697 Fax: +41 44 7392 488 E-mail: carlos.wyss@wsl.ch |