The 2nd WASWAC World Conference (Thailand, Sep. 4-8, 2013) |
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2013-09-04 |
We are so sorry to announce that this conference has been postponed to be held in this period of September 4-8, 2013. Venue also was changed to Rimkok Resort Hotel, Chiang Rai, Thailand (Northern next to Myanmar and Lao, close to Chiang Mai) in Golden Triangle ( Thailand-Myanmar-Lao). Sorry again for any inconveniences induced due to this change. Welcome to attend this conference in September! Detailed announcement will be released soon. From 2013-05-13 to 2013-05-18 Venue: Bangkok, Thailand Summary: Land is foundation of human survival and development, but the degradation of land is intensifying in many parts of the world because of many reasons, including the improper land use and global climate change. Land degradation could induce the deterioration of the ecological functions and productivity of land. Land degradation has been threatening the socioeconomic and cultural development at regional and global scales. Fortunately, the increasing attention has been paid in combating land degradation all over the world that there have been a number of projects being operated by many agencies in various regions to cope with such problems. It is therefore timely to organize the next WASWAC World Conference (WASWAC WC) in May 2013, which will coincide with the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Land Development Department of Thailand, our main host. We look forward to welcoming you in Thailand. |