Knowledge for the Future: IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly (Sweden, July 22-26, 2013)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2013-07-22

Organiser: IAHS (ICWQ, ICCE)
Lead Convener: Berit Arheimer (Sweden)
Co-Conveners: Adrian Collins (UK), Valentina Krysanova (Germany), Elango Lakshmanan (India), Michel Meybeck (France), Mike Stone (Canada)


Description: Large efforts have been made world-wide during the last decades to detect fresh-water quality problems and to reach more sustainable, holistic and integrated water management. Both problems and solutions differ between regions, reflecting environmental and societal conditions. Moreover, the knowledge of water status and understanding of processes involved in pollution also differ between regions. At present, the world is undergoing accelerated changes in climate, land-use and society (e.g. demography, urbanisation, economy), which will probably influence the water resources and this may lead to further decline in water quality. To be prepared there is an urgent need for better overall knowledge about the water quality situation globally, as well as a deeper understanding about processes involved in water quality degradation. More efficient water management and implementation of remedial measures to improve the situation need to be based on scientific knowledge. As on-going changes are not well understood there is a need for the scientific community to embrace this challenge to enhance the level of knowledge. This symposium welcomes contributions describing present regional or local fresh-water quality status world-wide. Moreover, we encourage contributions that actually try to understand underlying processes causing the problems and how the situation may develop into the future, considering on-going changes in environment and society. Scientific questions in line with the new IAHS science initiative could be: How to understand the behaviors of changing hydrological systems and impacts on fresh-water quality? How can we effectively bring together theoretical hydrology, experimental hydrology and new measurement techniques to advance our knowledge of water quality processes for the future? How can the typical time scales of change be identified? How to estimate and predict the behaviors and patterns of fresh-water quality, with uncertainty assessment to support risk evaluation?.

Review: All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Conveners

Invited speakers: Prof. Michel Meybeck (FR), Prof. Matt Hipsey (AU), and regional overviews to be posted

Dead-line for Abstracts: extended to
25 Nov 2012 at

Deadline for full papers of selected abstracts: 20 January 2013

H04: Understanding fresh-water quality problems in a changing world


Berit Arheimer

Head of Hydrology Research

Assoc. Prof., Ph. D.


SMHI / Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Research and Development / Hydrology



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