From 2012-03-12 to 2012-03-17
Venue: Marseille, France
Summary: Every three years since 1997, the World Water Forum mobilises creativity, innovation, competence and know-how in favour of water. It gathers all stakeholders around today’s local, regional and global issues that cannot be undertaken without all stakeholders into a common framework of goals and concrete targets to reach. The goal of the 6th World Water Forum is to tackle the challenges our world is facing and to bring water high on all political agendas. There will be no sustainable development while the water issues remain unsolved. Everywhere on the planet, for all and everyone, the Right to Water (recognised by 189 states at the UN one year ago) must be guaranteed and implemented. This is our first priority. But in total, our thematic process commission has developed 12 priorities to work as well as 3 conditions of success. Our regional process commission has also defined priorities and targets for Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and 2 cross continental regions.