Coastal Sediments'11 (USA, May 2-6, 2011)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2011-05-02

Date:  May 2-6, 2011

Venue : Miami, Florida, USA

Summary: The conference Organizing Committee welcomes you to the Seventh International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes—Coastal Sediments '11!

The Coastal Sediments'11 conference is the seventh in the series following the inaugural conference in 1977. The Coastal Sediments technical specialty conferences provide an international forum for exchange of information among coastal engineers, geologists, marine scientists, shallow-water oceanographers, and others interested in the physical processes of coastal sediment transport and morphology change.

Coastal Sediments 11 will continue to maintain the high quality of presentations and Proceedings which has made the event a valuable professional learning experience with a legacy of a frequently consulted Proceedings volume.

Topics: Abstracts are invited on the conference theme and the following topics, employing approaches including theoretical formulations, field or laboratory observations, numerical modeling, or case studies ( see authors information for additional information):              

  • Beach nourishment and shore protection
  • Coastal sediment transport and morphology change
  • Climate change and relative sea-level rise
  • Coastal dunes and aeolian transport
  • Shoreline change
  • Coastal response to hurricanes and storms
  • Coastal geology and geomorphology
  • Cohesive sediment processes
  • Fate of dredged material and morphologic response to dredging
  • Fundamentals of coastal sediment processes
  • Gravel transport processes
  • Inlets and estuaries
  • Marshes and wetlands
  • River deltas
  • Tsunami sedimentology & geomorphology
  • URL:

    Coastal Sediments '11
    Department of Geology, SCA 528
    University of South Florida
    4202 E. Fowler Avenue Tampa, Florida 33620
    Ping Wang, Ph.D.
    Voice: 813.974.9170
    Fax: 813.974.2654
    Mark H. Horwitz
    Phone: 813.974.2759


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