Ninth International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering (India, Aug. 2-5, 2010)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2010-08-02

Date: August 2-5, 2010

Venue:  Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, INDIA

Summary: The ninth International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering (ICHE 2010) is organized by the Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, with the support of the allied departments of the institute. The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), during the 50 years of its existence, has consolidated itself as an Institute of excellence in technology and research. The Department of Ocean Engineering has achieved significant success with a very dynamic profile in terms of manpower training at graduate and post graduate levels for careers across the world.    The department has an internationally acclaimed rare combination of hydrodynamic test facilities that include a towing tank, a wave basin, wave flumes, harbour modeling basin, supported by state of the art instrumentation as well as the expertise of the faculty team. The faculty from allied departments has rich teaching and research experience in themes of the conference. With this background, the International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering-2010 (ICHE 2010) offers an exciting platform for academicians, engineers from industry, policy makers and administrators from all over the globe to deliberate on various conference themes.    ICHE 2010 will extend the series of biennial conference started in Washington, D.C. (1993), and further continued in Beijing (1995), Cottbus (1998), Seoul (2000), Warsaw (2002), Brisbane (2004), Philadelphia (2006), and Nagoya (2008). These Conferences have acted as a welcome forum to report and discuss the latest advancements in Hydro-Science and Engineering and as such, have always been highly valued by all participants.    Undoubtedly, ICHE 2010 at IIT Madras will provide an opportunity for making numerous personal and professional exchanges in India and overseas. The theme of this conference is “Risk management for Hydro-Science and Engineering: towards sustainable mitigation”. This is proposed based on the current needs of hydroscience community.
Themes: The Conference will deliberate to disseminate discuss and interact with peers on the following themes, but not limited to:  
 Water Resource and Waster Water Management 
 Surface and Ground Water Resources
 Conveyance and Water Distributed Systems
 Environment Science, Engineering and Management
 Risk Analysis and Management of Water Infrastructure
 Soft engineering tools for forecasting
 Sedimentation and Morphodynamic processes
 Computational Fluid Dynamics
 Marine Hydrodynamics
 Maritime and Coastal Hydraulics


The Organizing secretary - ICHE 2010
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai 600 036
Ph: +91 -44 -22574809 /4816
Fax: +91 -44 -22574809 /4802 /0509

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