Third International Conference on Debris Flow (24 - 26 May 2010, Milano, Italy)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2010-05-24

Date: 24 - 26 May 2010

  Milan, Italy

About the event: The University of Milan (Italy) and the Wessex Institute of Technology (UK) organize the Third International Conference on Debris Flow, which is focused on all aspects of debris flow monitoring, modelling, mitigation and management ( This conference follows the success of previous meetings held in Rhodes, Greece (2006) and New Forest, UK (2008).

About the special session “Sediment transport and debris flow monitoring and analysis”: The aim of this special session is to gather researchers from the broader fields of sediment transport and debris flow phenomena. Particular attention will be given to both field data acquisition (monitoring approaches) and laboratory tests. Contributions addressing the following topics are particularly encouraged:

1. sediment transport and debris flow field monitoring strategies, techniques and methods;
2. insights of sediment transport and debris flow long term dynamics from field data interpretation;
3. bedload and debris flow physical modelling;
4. large woody debris (LWD) monitoring and modelling;
5. collection and interpretation of debris flows morphological evidences.

The session should attract scientists with different expertise and research background, who will contribute to an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge about sediment transport and debris flow measurements, analysis and interpretation. 


Deadlines: Abstracts should be sent before September 30, 2009; the deadline for the receipt of full papers will be specified together with the notification of abstract acceptance. A copy of the abstract submitted to the Conference web site must be sent by email also to one of the Convenors listed below for its inclusion into the Special session.

Contacts (Convenors of the Special session)

Daniele De Wrachien (University of Milan, Italy,
Gian Battista Bischetti (University of Milan, Italy,
Francesco Gentile (University of Bari, Italy,
Luca Mao (University of Hull, UK,


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