Workshop on 'Sediment problems and sediment management in Asian river basins' (India, Sep.6 -12,
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2009-09-06

Date: 06-12 September, 2009
Venue: Hyderabad, India

Introduction: Sediment problems are assuming increasing importance in many areas of the world. These problems relate to the adverse effects of sediment in both water resource development and river management and to the wider environmental impact of sediment in degrading aquatic ecosystems. Changing sediment fluxes can also have important implications for nutrient inputs to freshwater and coastal ecosystems and for the stability of channels and floodplains and river deltas. With their high sediment fluxes and the sensitivity of these fluxes to climate change and to land use change and other human impacts, such as dam construction and river regulation, Asian river basins currently face many sediment-related problems. There is a need for improved understanding of these problems and the sediment budgets of river basins and for the development of effective management strategies. This workshop, organised in collaboration with UNESCO ISI and WASER, will seek to review the nature and extent of sediment problems in Asian River Basins and current progress towards developing effective sediment management strategies. Topics to be addressed will include the present and future impacts of climate change, the interaction of different factors causing changing sediment fluxes, sediment management strategies and their effectiveness, and the development of sediment monitoring networks to support effective sediment management.

Convener: Des Walling (UK),

Co-conveners: Jim Bogen (Norway)
        Chunghong Hu (China)
        Anil Mishra (UNESCO)
        S.C. Rai (India)
        Manfred Spreafico (Switzerland)


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