IRTCES Silver Jubilee Celebration and Seminar on Integrated River Basin Management under Global Cli
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2009-07-29

Organized by

International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation under the Auspices of UNESCO

Date: July 29, 2009 (Wed.)

Venue: Media Center Hotel, Beijing

Tentative Agenda

9:30-11:30: IRTCES Silver Jubilee Celebration

          Speech by Mr. CHEN Lei, Minister of Water Resources of China

          Speech by Prof. Walter R. Erdelen, Assistant Director General of UNESCO

          Issuing Qian Ning Prize for Erosion and Sedimentation Technology by Mr. Chen Lei and Mr. W.R. Erdelen

          Tea break

          IRTCES Report by Prof. KUANG Shangfu, Director of IRTCES

          Speech by Mr Abhimanyu Singh, Director of the UNESCO Office in Beijing

          Speech by Mr. FANG Maotian, Secretary General of Chinese National Committee for UNESCO

          Speeches by representatives of international experts


13:30-17:00:Seminar on Integrated River Basin Management under Global Climate Change

          Keynote Lecture by Prof. W.R. Erdelen, Assistant Director General of UNESCO: Integrate River Basin Management, Biodiversity and Global Climate Change,

          Keynote Lecture by Prof. Liu Changming, Academician of China Academy of Science

          Keynote Lecture by Prof. M. Spreafico, Chairman of the UNESCO-IHP-ISI Steering committee

          Keynote Lecture by Prof. Wang Zhao-Yin, Chairman of IRTCES Advisory Committee

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