Fourth International Conference on Scour and Erosion (Japan, 5-7th November, 2008)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2008-11-05

General information of the conference

Name:      ICSE-4 Tokyo 2008
                 Fourth International Conference on Scour and Erosion
Date:        5-7th November, 2008
Sponsor:  ISSMGE TechnicalCommittee TC33
                 on Geotechnics of Soil Erosion
Organizer: JGS(The Japanese Geotechnical Society)
Sponsoring societies: The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, The Japan Landslide Society
Venue: Surugadai Memorial Hall, Chuo University (Tokyo, Japan)
Language:  English
Conference Secretariat: ,,


The International Conference on Scour and Erosion has become a respected event in the technical conference calendar for engineers, scientists, decision makers and administrators working in all areas of hydraulics and geo-engineering. Its importance and reputation was established by the technical successes of the first three conferences: College Station in USA(2002), Singapore(2004) and Amsterdam(2006). We are delighted to host the fourth International Conference on Scour and Erosion in Tokyo, Japan. The conference provides a forum to discuss new developments, concepts and practices, and to share field experiences, problems and solutions dealing with scour and erosion issues in hillslope, fluvial, estuarine and coastal environments. It also inspires cross-disciplinary contributions pertaining to morphodynamics and sedimentary evolution, with increased appreciation of multi-scaled nature in sediment processes. 

Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has been selected as the location for the conference. It is one of the world's most vibrant cities, with an outstanding reputation for the cultural activities and entertainment in diversity. You are invited to attend ICSE-4 (2008) in Tokyo.

Scope of the conference

Scour and erosion is the suite of processes that dynamically modify the interface where water and soil/rock meet. As such, hydraulics and geotechnics should be tied even strongly. The integrity of structures in and near water bodies is a good target in this direction. Those structures may include bridge piers, flood-control levees, seawalls and offshore pipelines. Also, a broader perspective for scour and erosion issues is becoming equally important in addressing the performance of sediment routing systems that may connect hillslope, fluvial, estuarine and coastal processes. Certainly, mitigation of riverbed degradation or coastal erosion or both will call for such a coherent approach in the context of integrated sediment management.

In essence, the Conference welcomes scientific contributions in the following themes or related subject matters: 

a)  Scour/erosion processes (physical, theoretical or numerical modeling)

b)  Consequences of scour/erosion (case histories, field observations, analysis/prediction of real-life problems)

c)  Health monitoring of scour/erosion-vulnerable structures

d)  High-resolution imaging/remote sensing for erosion-related morphological features

e)  Applications of geographical information science/engineering

f)   Management of scour/erosion (structural or non-structural measures, design philosophy)

g)  Integrated sediment management: recent advances

h)  Hazard management case studies related to scour erosion and other mass movements

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