International Conference on Hydrology and Climate Change in the Mountainous Areas (Nepal, Nov.15-17
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2008-11-15

Date :   November 15 to 17,  2008  and  abstract dead line : 31 January, 2008


Venue:  The conference will be held in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Draped along the greatest heights of the Himalaya, Nepal is a land of sublime scenery, timeworn temples, and some of the best walking trails on earth.  November is the best season for tourist and trekkers because of likely no rains and neither hot nor cold.  It is a best season to enjoy lots of green and blue sky as well as for out door activities like trekking, rafting, and wild life jungle safari.

Organized by:
  SOHAM-NEPAL and  in collaboration with DHM


Supports : UNESCO, NAST, NEA, DWIDP have expressed their interest too support this conference SOHAM-Nepal invites and welcomes supports and cooperation from local and international agencies, scientific communities and individuals.


To emphasize the reality that water is critical for sustainable development, environmental integrity and the eradication of poverty and hunger, UN General Assembly the Fifty-eighth session, agenda item 95 targeted years 2005-2015 as “International Decade for Action-Water for Life”.  Changes in the environment have been worrying issues to the scientific communities and planners. In order to open forum in these pertinent topics, SOHAM-Nepal is organizing an international conference on “Hydrology and Climate Change in the Mountainous Areas". The proposed conference date is November 2008.  The main objective of the conference is to involve scientists, engineers, development workers and planners as well as experts on related fields and create an opportunity for discussion and sharing information on observations, researches, best practices, lessons learnt etc.  Broadly, the conference aims to address on - review the available technology in the field related to climate change and its impact on snow, glaciers and hydro-meteorological processes, assessment of the impact of sediment on water resources, environment, and socio-economy and  to look for a mechanism for research and capacity building on understanding of hydrological system of mountainous areas.  The main topics of the conference are: 1) Climate change impacts and adaptations 2) Snow and glacier hydrology, 3) Sedimentation and Mass wasting, 4) Hydrological modeling 5) Flood forecasting and early warning systems 6) Water induced disaster management 7) Droughts and low flows


Contact & Conference Secretariat   

Mr. Jagat K. Bhusal,

General Secretary, SOHAM,

Mobile: 9841230003


Mrs. Sarojani Pradhan,

Tresurer, SOHAM


Mobile: 9841242759




Tel/ Fax: 977 1 4251921

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