11th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2008-02-17

From 2008-02-17 to 2008-02-22

Venue:  Esperance, Australia

Summary: Management objectives for aquatic systems are increasingly highlighting the importance of sediment-water interactions in controlling nutrient and pollutant cycling.

The 11th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water will explore our current understanding of process interactions across multiple space and time scales.

Interactions at the microscale will be explored alongside interactions at catchment scale. The impact of extreme, short-lived events, such as a tsunami, will be compared to the impact of long-term drivers, such as climate change. We will also examine how sediment and water link terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems.

The Symposium will be held in Esperance, Western Australia, where ancient soils, sediments and catchments maintain in a fragile balance with modern land uses and tourism. Mid-symposium field trips will provide opportunities to experience and engage with this fascinating area.

Sponsors : International Association for Sediments Water Science (IASWS); The University of Western Australia; School of Environmental Systems Engineering (SESE); Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Mathematics; Department of Conservation and Land Management; Skywest; Perth Convention Bureau


IASWS 2008 Symposium
C/- SESE at UWA M015
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009

Phone: +61 (0)8 6488 3531
Fax: +61 (0)8 6488 1015

Email: iasws2008@iasws.org

URL: www.iasws.org

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