Advanced Training Workshop on Reservoir Sedimentation Management
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2007-10-10

From 2007-10-10 to 2007-10-16

International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES), Beijing, China

Reservoir sedimentation will occur after impoundment of a reservoir due to reduction in water surface slope and velocity. Many impacts can be induced by reservoir sedimentation, such as on life-span of reservoir, flood control, power generation, water quality, obstruction to navigation, headward extension of backwater deposits and degradation below reservoirs, etc. In China there are lots of reservoirs constructed on heavily sediment-laden rivers, so reservoir sedimentation problems are very serious. Chinese scientists and engineers involved in sediment research have accumulated rich experiences and taken effective methods in the reservoir sedimentation management for a long time. IRTCES wishes to share these findings and issues with all people engaging in sediment research of the world.
The Advanced Training Workshop on Reservoir Sedimentation Management is designed in fulfilling demands and needs for hydraulic engineers, managers, stakeholders and decision-makers in the countries suffering of serious reservoir sedimentation. Through lectures, discussions, exchanges and one-day field study the participants can improve their professional sediment theory and knowledge, get much latest concepts and techniques, and information and establish linkage among participants.
The Advanced Training Workshop on Reservoir Sedimentation will be organized as a major activity of the International Sedimentation Initiative (ISI) of UNESCO for 2006-2007. It should meet the fourth objective of ISI “Education and capacity building for sustainable sediment management”. In the next few decades more than 50% of the world’s reservoir storage capacity may be lost due to sedimentation, and realizing that appropriate sites for water storage are limited so that the sediment management practice in rivers, watersheds and reservoirs is of great importance and should be improved.

Organizer: IRTCES
Sponsors: International Sedimentation Initiative (ISI)-UNESCO-IHP; Ministry of Water Resources, Government of China
Co-sponsors: World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER); The Chinese National Committee for IHP

Ms. Tong Yuling
P.O. Box 366,
No.20 Chegongzhuang West Rd.,
Beijing, 100044, P. R. China
Tel: +86-10-68786683,
Fax: +86-10-68411174,

Ms. Wang Jin,
Programme Assistant, Natural Science Sector,
UNESCO Office Beijing
Waijiaogongyu 5-15-3
Jinaguomenwai Compound,
Beijing 100600, China
Tel: +86-10-6532 7683
Fax: +86-10-6532 4854

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